Thursday, March 6, 2025

6 Facts About Rukn e Yamani of Holy Kaaba


Many of you may know that one corner of the Holy Kaaba is not covered with the black cloth that is known as Qiswa. This corner of Holy Kaaba is called Rukn e Yamani. It is situated on the opposite side of the southern wall.

Touching the Rukn e Yamani is the Sunnat of the Holy prophet ﷺ. Also, it has the power to absorb all the sins of people touching it.

6 Facts About Rukn e Yamani of Holy Kaaba

Here are the six facts about Rukn e Yamani that you must know. 


Rukn e Yamani is in the opposite direction of Hajar se Al Aswad. Hajar Aswad is a black stone that is situated in the eastern corner of the Holy Kaaba Shareef.

Type of Conceret for Rukn e Yamani

A specific type of concrete is used to protect Rukn e Yamani from disintegrating. This material comes in the form of molten metal and stainless-steel nails. This material is repeated every year to maintain it in good condition.

Why Rukn e Yamani is uncovered?

The other fact of Rukn e Yamani is that it is not covered with Qiswa. Pilgrims love to perform Istilaam, the Sunnah of their Holy Prophet at Rukn e Yamani. So, it remains uncovered from Qiswa.


it is undoubtful that the Kaaba Shareef is currently in the same foundation as it was built by the Holy Prophet Hazrat Ibrahim (P.B.U.H). According to Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas’ statement, at this point Hazrat Ibrahim made Istilaam. Istilaam is touching the area via kissing or hand. The holy prophet also performed the Istilaam of Rukni Yamani.

Dua between Rukn e Yamani and Hajar Al Aswad

The Holy Prophet always recites one specific dua which is the verse of Surah Baqarah at verse number 201. Its meaning is.

“O Allah bless us with things that are good in this world as well as in Akhirat. And save us from the fire of Jahannam”.

Thousands of Muslims now perform this sunnah of our holy prophet daily and recite this verse.

Other names of Rukn e Yamani

It is also known as Rukn Al Janaub and the Yemeni corner of the Holy Kaaba. It is called Rukn e Yamani as it points toward the state of Yemen.

Significance of Rukn e Yamani in Islam

Rukn e Yamani has great importance in the history of Islam. It is considered a living miracle. Thousands of Pilgrims visit Makkah and Madina to perform Hajj and Umarah. The Holy prophet about Rukn e Yamani said: “Touching the Rukn e Yamani removes all the sins indeed.”

Rukn e Yamani’s importance is described in many other Hadith. People who go to Makkah to perform Umarah and Hajj try to touch it so that May Allah erase all their sins.

It is also said that Allah accepts all the Duas that are done between Hajar e Aswad and Rukn e Yamani.

Other Corners of Kaaba

As all of us know that the holy Kaaba is in cubed shape having four corners. So, asides from the popular Rukn e Yamani corner, there are three other corners called Rukn Hajar Al Aswad, Rukn Shami, and Rukn Iraqi.    

These corners roughly show the cardinal directions of the compass. Therefore, except for Rukn Aswad’s corner, all the other three corners’ names are given on the name of the country toward the point.


The corner of the Sacred Kaaba Shareef that is on the Yemen side is known as Rukn e Yamani. It is the only corner of Kaaba Shareef that is not covered with Kiswa. Thousands of pilgrims that visit the Kaaba also perform Istilaam after performing Tawaf as the Sunnat of the Holy Prophet

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