Friday, October 18, 2024

Interview with Burhan Mirza, Life Coach, Angel Investor and Entrepreneur

Burhan Mirza is a life coach, an entrepreneur, and an angel investor. At present, he offers consultancy and mentorship services to several IT firms, while also playing the role of an investor in various IT startups within Pakistan, collectively valued at over $100 million. He remains receptive to innovative and transformative concepts from aspiring young entrepreneurs across the country. Recently, his venture The Coach360 has launched Skills360, one of Pakistan’s first privately owned Edtech platforms to upskill the youth and make them financially independent.

Startup Pakistan sat down with Burhan to learn more about his motivations behind believing in the youth of Pakistan.

Startup Pakistan: Given your extensive experience in the IT sector, how would you assess the current state of Pakistan’s technology and digital landscape?

Burhan Mirza: Assessing the current state of Pakistan’s technology and digital landscape requires a nuanced understanding of both its achievements and its challenges. We’ve witnessed remarkable growth in recent years, with the emergence of innovative startups, the adoption of digital solutions across various sectors, and an increasing demand for tech talent. This progress highlights the creativity, resilience, and entrepreneurial spirit of Pakistan’s tech community. However, it’s essential to recognize that there are still significant gaps that need to be addressed. Infrastructure constraints, limited access to resources, regulatory hurdles, and skill mismatches remain obstacles to fully realizing the potential of Pakistan’s tech industry.

Despite these challenges, there’s immense potential for Pakistan to become a regional powerhouse in technology and innovation. With the right investments in infrastructure, education, and policy reforms, we can create an environment that fosters entrepreneurship, encourages innovation, and drives sustainable growth. Obviously, this isn’t a job for a single individual or organization. This requires a collaborative effort involving government agencies, industry stakeholders, educational institutions, and the broader community to ensure that Pakistan’s tech ecosystem thrives and continues to make meaningful contributions to economic development and social progress.

Startup Pakistan: As an entrepreneur yourself, you’ve emphasized the importance of upskilling the youth. Why do you believe it is crucial for the youth of Pakistan to enhance their skills, especially in the field of technology?

Burhan Mirza: The importance of upskilling the youth, particularly in the field of technology, cannot be overstated. In today’s rapidly evolving digital economy, possessing the right skills is essential for personal and professional success. By investing in education and training programs that equip young people with relevant technical skills, we empower them to seize opportunities, pursue their passions, and contribute meaningfully to society.

Furthermore, enhancing the skills of the youth in Pakistan is critical for driving economic growth, reducing unemployment, and addressing socio-economic disparities. Most importantly though, offering quality education within the country, particularly skills that are at par with global standards is essential in addressing the crucial dilemma of massive brain drain from this country. As technology continues to reshape industries and create new job opportunities, it’s essential to ensure that our youth are prepared to compete in the global marketplace. By providing access to quality education, mentorship, and practical training, we can unlock the potential of Pakistan’s young talent and position them for success in the digital age.

Startup Pakistan: Youth makes up almost 60% of the population in Pakistan. Despite the size, there are factors that demotivate these individuals, making them prefer life abroad rather than the prospects within their country. What are the elements that you believe can reverse the extensive brain drain that this country is witnessing?

Burhan Mirza: Skilled individuals moving abroad is indeed a critical concern for the country these days. In the last year alone, close to a million people left the country, most of them to pursue employment opportunities in various countries.Addressing this problem in Pakistan requires a distinct approach that tackles both push and pull factors influencing individuals’ decisions to seek opportunities abroad. While factors such as political instability, economic uncertainty, and limited career prospects may drive some individuals to pursue opportunities overseas, there are also opportunities to create incentives for them to stay and contribute to the country’s development.

To reverse the brain drain, we need to focus on creating a conducive environment for innovation, entrepreneurship, and personal growth. This includes investing in education and skill development, promoting a culture that values merit and inclusivity, as well as providing opportunities for meaningful employment and advancement. Additionally, we can leverage the diaspora network to facilitate knowledge transfer, promote investment, and foster collaboration between Pakistan and the global community.

Startup Pakistan: You’ve been actively involved in guiding IT companies and investing in startups. In light of Probyte’s partnership with Skills360, an online learning platform, how crucial do you believe learning platforms are in facilitating the youth of Pakistan and preparing them for the future?

Burhan Mirza: Learning platforms like Skills360 play a crucial role in addressing the skills gap and preparing the youth of Pakistan for the future. By providing accessible and affordable education, these platforms ease access to learning opportunities and empower individuals to acquire new skills and knowledge. Moreover, they enable individuals to customize their learning experiences, pursue their interests, and develop expertise in high-demand areas.

The partnership between Probyte and Skills360 demonstrates the potential of industry players and educational institutions to address the evolving needs of the workforce together. By leveraging technology and digital resources, these platforms can reach a wider audience while also scaling their impact considerably. Additionally, they can facilitate connections between learners, mentors, and industry experts, creating a vibrant ecosystem where talents are recognized and given appropriate resources to succeed.

Startup Pakistan: In a previous interview, you discussed the potential for IT remittances in Pakistan. Could you elaborate on what policies you believe need to be in place to facilitate IT exporters and promote a thriving IT industry in the country?

Burhan Mirza: To promote a thriving IT industry in Pakistan and capitalize on the potential of IT remittances, we need to implement policies that are conducive to the youth of today and their innovative ideas. Neighboring India is a great example of how opportunities can be leveraged effectively. Today, the country has an impressive number of startups that have achieved “unicorn” status while there are none in Pakistan. Therefore, the changes that need to be introduced include creating a supportive regulatory environment that encourages entrepreneurship, protects intellectual property rights, and promotes fair competition. Additionally, we should invest in infrastructure, expand access to digital services, and prioritize research and development to drive technological innovation and competitiveness.

Moreover, it’s essential to address systemic barriers that hinder the growth of the IT industry, such as access to finance, talent retention, and market access. By implementing targeted policies and initiatives, such as tax incentives for R&D, funding support for startups, and export promotion programs, we can create an enabling environment that attracts investment, stimulates growth, and positions Pakistan as a hub for technology and innovation.

Startup Pakistan: Looking ahead, how do you see digital learning platforms transforming the IT landscape in Pakistan, and what steps do you believe need to be taken to harness the potential benefits in our local talent pool?

Burhan Mirza: Digital learning platforms have the potential to revolutionize the IT landscape in Pakistan by simplifying access to education and driving innovation. To harness their potential benefits, we need to take a comprehensive approach that addresses three fundamental issues.

Firstly, we need to invest in infrastructure to ensure reliable internet connectivity and access to digital devices for all segments of society. This will enable learners to access online resources and participate in virtual learning environments effectively. Secondly, we need to prioritize digital literacy programs to equip individuals with the skills they need to navigate the digital landscape confidently. This includes training programs, awareness campaigns, and support services that promote digital fluency and responsible use of technology.

Finally, we need to develop partnerships between educational institutions, industry stakeholders, and government agencies to develop high-quality content, deliver relevant training programs, and facilitate knowledge exchange. By collaborating effectively, we can leverage each other’s strengths, share best practices, and create a dynamic ecosystem that empowers individuals to thrive in the digital economy.

Startup Pakistan: As we know, Skills360 is an initiative by TheCoach360, what more initiatives can we see in the future and are there any other projects in the pipeline?

Burhan Mirza: While Skills360 is an exciting initiative, there’s no shortage of opportunities for future initiatives and projects that can further support the development of Pakistan’s tech ecosystem. These initiatives could include mentorship programs, networking events, hackathons, incubators, accelerators, and venture capital funds that cater to the unique needs of entrepreneurs and startups in Pakistan. Additionally, we can explore partnerships with international organizations, academic institutions, and industry associations to tap into global expertise, resources, and networks.

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