Saturday, September 7, 2024

Apple Car Will Support For a Fully Autonomous Self-Driving Feature by 2025

Apple’s long-awaited self-driving electric car made headlines a few months ago, and now the company’s forthcoming vehicle, which has yet to be formally unveiled, is making headlines again, hinting to the Apple Car roadmap.

Bloomberg reports that the future Apple Car — an electric vehicle with support for a fully autonomous self-driving feature — will appear by 2025, citing persons familiar with the development.

According to reports, Apple’s Project Titan, managed by Kevin Lynch and based in Cupertino, will be a fully automated self-driving vehicle with no pedals or steering.

Previously, the company was said to be stuck between two development paths: a regular EV with some upgraded driver-assist technologies, or a more advanced EV capable of totally autonomous driving with no input from its passengers. However, the technological giant now appears to have selected the latter choice.

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