Thursday, September 19, 2024

Over 2 Million People of All Colors, Languages, and Backgrounds Standing in Arafat Under the Scorching Sun for Hajj prayers

More than 2 million people stood united today, 27th June 2023, marking the holiest Day of Arafat. Millions of people irrespective of their backgrounds, skin color, and ethnicities portrayed the symbol of unity under the scorching heat of June.

Muslims from all over the World gathered on the plains of Mount Arafat being a part of the most significant phase of Hajj. The narration of the Khutbah of Hajj and the offering of the combined prayers of Dhuhr and Asr marks the pivotal moment.

Over 2 million Muslims spent their day offering prayers, repenting, and asking Allah for his blessings. The pilgrims engage in deep spiritual reflection during this time enduring the hot weather of June. The journey of Hajj truly marks a profound transformative experience for all those who are blessed enough to perform Hajj.

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