Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz has introduced the “Dhee Rani Programme 2025.” This initiative is designed to provide financial aid to deserving individuals, easing the burden of wedding costs that many families struggle to meet.
The program is tailored to support those in need, particularly destitute, orphaned, or disabled individuals, as well as daughters of disabled parents.
It ensures that the financial strain often associated with weddings does not hinder families from celebrating their loved ones’ special day with dignity.
Who Can Apply?
To qualify for the program, applicants must meet specific requirements:
- The bride must be between 18 and 40 years old and unmarried.
- The applicant must be a resident of Punjab.
- Priority will be given to families facing financial hardship, including orphans and individuals with disabilities.
- A confirmed marriage match is required.
How to Apply
The application process has been made simple and accessible:
- Visit your nearest Social Welfare and Bait-ul-Maal office for in-person registration.
- Submit an application online through the official portal (link unavailable).
- Call 1312 for assistance and further information.
Program Benefits
Approved applicants will receive a comprehensive package of support, including:
- A dowry or gift package worth Rs. 206,000.
- Financial coverage for the wedding ceremony.
- A Rs. 100,000 cash gift transferred directly to the bride’s bank account.
The “Dhee Rani Programme 2025” aims to empower families, ensuring marriage expenses no longer hinder opportunities for a dignified celebration.
Families in need are encouraged to apply and benefit from this groundbreaking initiative.