Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Cooking Range Price in Pakistan 2023 – Best Cooking Ranges that Worth Buying

The cooking range in Pakistan varies depending on the store and brand. The average cost is PKR 27,000, but you can find some as low at PKR 14,000 or higher with additional features.

What’s your next kitchen upgrade? The cooking range has evolved to become one of the essential home appliances in today’s society, from standard, low-end models for beginners across town to professional chefs who require multiple features and functions on their appliances.

There are some amazing products available that will meet anyone’s needs! Some popular brands include Nasgas (Pakistan), Indus, and Crown, with a good price range in Pakistan.

When buying a new stove, there are many different things to consider. How big should your cooking range be? Do you live in an area with gas or electricity as well as access to propane tanks if needed (most homes now have these)?

Will this work without any problems with solar power, too, instead of just using straight batteries like some smaller stoves do when they’re not connected up through voltage sources at night time while camping out during certain seasons where it’s cold outside but still hot inside due avoid freezing temperatures damaging goods.

Best Cooking Ranges in Pakistan

Haier Cooking Range

There is no better brand than Haier when it comes to cooking appliances. Their range of products are easily available in Pakistan and used by almost every homeowner! You will also find one of their ranges on your list – most likely the lower-end model, making them even more reliable since you won’t have any problems with durability or longevity.

Haier Cooking Range

Haier’s Cooking Ranges Are Great for Use at Home, especially since They Have a Wide Variety to choose from.

30″ Smart Slide-In Electric Range with Convection

The best of both worlds, the convection oven is perfect for delectable results with its built-in Wi-Fi and app capabilities. Downloading food options takes just seconds! There is no need to preheat or use oil – this fryer can also be used as a regular heating element in your house (though we recommend cleaning often).

24″ 2.9 Cu. Ft. Electric Range

The 40 3/4″ x 24 whopping wide by 28 1/.8 deep Haier electric range has a 2.9 cubic feet heated cooking area with a ceramic glass surface that makes cleaning easy! It also includes convection which helps cook food more evenly than other types of appliances do – perfect for any kitchen enthusiast looking to up their game in the culinary arts without sacrificing style points or precious countertop real estate.

Nasgas Cooking Range

When looking for a new gas cooking range, Nasgas has what it takes. The company produces appliances in different sizes and designs with prices ranging from mid-range to high-end ones, so there’s something perfect no matter how big, or small your kitchen space is!

Nasgas Cooking Range

Nasgas SG-324 (Single Door)

When you’re looking for a good quality gas range, the Nasgas SG-324 (Single Door) should be at the top of your list. This three-burner model has everything from castable burners with magnetic stainless steel tops and sides to high sense double way thermostats that give it an edge over other ranges in its class!

Tempered front glass construction ensures safety while cooking; enamel-coated pans provide better traction when cooking on low heat settings so they won’t slip around inside – plus, there are plenty more features like this out there too.

Nasgas SG-534 (Double Door)

The Nasgas SG-534 is a five-door, double oven gas stove with cast iron burners perfect for any kitchen. It has nonmagnetic stainless steel panels on top and sides and a high sense thermostat which make this sleek looking appliance durable enough to last years without rusting!

One of the best features about these stoves is their enamel-coated pan trivets, so you can easily wipe down your pans after using them if there’s ever been some spilt food or anything else sticking around too long before cleaning up afterwards was done properly the first time around.

Canon Cooking Range

The Canon cooking range is a versatile appliance that cooks food and heats it with its three to five burners. The stove at the top of this unit comes equipped for any type of sauce or oil needed during your dish’s preparation, making sure you don’t have to worry about running short!

Canon Cooking Range

You can use various kitchen utensils on all sides: pots and pans from both old-world recipes as well modern-day ones; even griddles if want something fried up quickly before serving time begins and there are plenty more features too lengthy here just read them off!”

Canon CR-27 Cooking Range

This awesome Canon CR-27 cooking range has everything you need to make your favourite dishes! The body is made of heavy-duty steel and features 3 gas burners that can be adjusted individually.

There’s also an oven up & down burner for baking or boiling food in water faster than ever before, with temperatures reaching 450 degrees Celsius. For those who love grilling, our thermostat controls both temperature AND pressure, no matter what type of cuisine it may entail.

Canon CR-42 plus Cooking Range

This is the perfect oven for any cook. With five burners to choose from, you can make all of your favourite dishes and more! This CR-42 plus features an intuitive interface that allows users control over their grill grate temperature, which means less time wasted cooking without sacrificing flavour or quality.

Singer Cooking Range

The Singer cooking range offers options for five or three burner stoves. This is helpful as customers can choose the one that matches their kitchen design, and an oven with a rotisserie motor and rod to grill food also comes standard on all models in this line!

Singer Cooking Range

Singer SCR 5999 MDT 5 Burner

This 34-inch stove is perfect for cooking and roasting. The glass top makes it easy to monitor the temperature of your food while you’re preparing them, but even better than that? It has an auto-ignition feature which means no more matches are needed!

Singer SCR 5786 MT 5 Burner

This gorgeous, high-end appliance is the perfect addition to any home. The SCR 5786 MT 5 Burner has a capacity of up to five burners and features an unbreakable glass door that can be closed securely with two doors tied together at their hinges, so they don’t spring open while cooking or cleaning!

Cooking Range Price in Pakistan

Cooking ranges are an important part of any modern kitchen. They come in various sizes and styles, and each has its unique features. Prices for cooking ranges vary greatly, so it’s important to find the one that fits your needs and budget. In this post, we’ll take a look at the price of cooking ranges in Pakistan and help you find the best deal for your home.

Cooking RangePrice in Pakistan
30″ Smart Slide-In Electric Range with ConvectionPKR 305,000
24″ 2.9 Cu. Ft. Electric RangePKR 225,000
Nasgas SG-324 (Single Door)PKR 22,650
Nasgas SG-534 (Double Door)PKR 30,400
Canon CR-27 Cooking RangePKR 17,500
Canon CR-42 plus Cooking RangePKR 51,100
Singer SCR 5999 MDT 5 BurnerPKR 36,750
Singer SCR 5786 MT 5 BurnerPKR 27,550
Izone Cooking Range 6605PKR 22,000
Crown Cooking range 24HS3PKR 35,000
Crown Cooking range 34HS-1-IMPPKR 48,500


When purchasing a new cooking range, you need to consider your needs and compare the prices from different stores. You may be able to find a good deal on an appliance at one store that is not available in another area. If you are looking for cookware or other kitchen appliances, make sure to read our article!

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