Friday, March 7, 2025

Following Best Practices – More IT Training Institutes Adopt Personality Test to Ensure Better Success Rates

The industrial education eco system is striving to ensure better success rate of the enrolled students. Some institutions show quick drop outs during initial period through rigors to finally achieve a better overall result. Whereas generally institutions are adopting another strategy relying on personality assessment test other prerequisites to determine the best fit of individual assets to the type of training to achieve highest results.

Xtreme commerce has recently announced admission of students based on couple of tests and a personality analysis. Similarly, Qasim Ali Shah foundation started career counseling sessions including personality analysis in the past week. 

Dankash – a leading IT training institute was the first one to introduce a complete personality analysis and career counseling model for IT trainings back in 2020. Most people don’t know how to start online business or what is best skill to learn for online earning. To address questions like these and make online success easier, Kashif Shah (dankash founder) introduced this model.

 A blueprint to help IT students and professionals to find best fit, instead of predefined indigenous solution for the students and institutions. The output being raised level of motivation and achievement of optimal results by choosing the fields that are best suited to their personalities, passions within available resources. They developed a systematic process involving success advisors (psychologists and technical advisor) that includes identifying the personality type, strengths, weaknesses, passion, skill set and existing resources of a given individual and help them map out a complete plan for achieving their life goals accordingly. Dankash has by now collected thousands of student’s data and aims to convert it into an automated process through AI based app in future. The whole mechanism is built based on 40+ years of cumulative research and experience of Dankash founders working in IT industry since 2 decades and active participants in the socio-economic structure.

 21 Day Success Formula, provides all answers to questions like how to start online earning, where to start and what skill or business to select.

 Kash believes that this training can change lives and help masses achieve their dreams in a systematic and productive manner.

Personality test basically helps an individual figure out his personality type and then the advisors can suggest him a training or skill best suited for his personality type based on past data. There are 4 basic personality types Director, Thinker, Socializer and the Supporter which are further classified into 16 particular types in the Myers Brigg Model.

The 16 types are referred to as sociotypes which are; ESTJ, ENTJ, ESFJ, ENFJ, ISTJ, ISFJ, INTJ, INFJ, ESTP, ESFP, ENTP, ENFP, ISTP. Using psychological functions like intuition, judgment, thinking, extraversion, introversion etc. this model helps understand business compatibility, information sharing, personality compatibility, and career orientation of the said individuals. 

An individual can take better informed decisions and make wiser career choices once he knows his personality type and best suitable careers for him. This is a good first step in the Pakistan IT training industry that will help people break out of herd mentality and figure out what works best for them.

Not just personality analysis rather introducing SWOT analysis and other evaluative tests can definitely improve success ratio and we can hope to see our youth outperforming at the global scale given the right guidance and counseling and a precise blueprint to achieve their dreams.

The education institutions only give merit to past performance in exams as basic criteria for induction of fresh students instead of following Dankash design for finding best fit for education in a field best suited to their personality. The education system can learn a lot from this process and implement a major reform by introducing in their curriculum to ensure students choose the right careers and progress in their desired fields.

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