Thursday, March 13, 2025

How to Get Saudi Nationality or Citizenship


The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia offers attractive career opportunities to professionals around the globe. From the reports, it is evident more than 13 million foreign workers are living in Saudi Arabia. So, after living for years, ex-pats want to get the nationality of the country Saudi Arab.

If you are looking for how to get Saudi Nationality or citizenship, then here you will get the complete detailed procedure for it.

Latest News on Nationality of Saudi Arab

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has made minor changes in Article 8 regarding Saudi Arab citizenship. The Prime Minister and Crown Prince stated that people must submit proposals to the Ministry of Interior. After the Ministry of Interior approval, the chosen candidates will be granted Saudi citizenship.

Step-by-Step Guide to Get Saudi Nationality or Citizenship

Saudi Arabia offers you to get the Nationality of their country on different levels for different individuals. Below is the step-by-step guide to getting the Saudi Nationality or Citizenship.

Requirements of Saudi Citizenship

Here is the list of requirements to get Saudi Nationality or citizenship. The applicants must fulfill these requirements.

  • The applicant is eligible for applying Saudi Arab Nationality on age grounds.
  • Living in Saudi Arabia for consecutive five-years and have received an ordinary permanent residency in the country. In the case of ex-pats and professionals, this duration is for ten years.
  • Candidate must be able to provide proof of his earning by legal means.
  • Applicant must have a record of good conduct and should be normal i.e., healthy.
  • He must not involve in any crime or bring to jail for more than six months.

As Saudi Aran Nationality is given on different grounds, some of them are discussed below.

By Birth

The Kingdom of Saudi offers citizenship to the children of Saudi Fathers regardless of where they are born. Also, children get Saudi Nationality by birth if their mother is a Saudi woman regardless of their father’s nationality on the following grounds.

  • Children have the permanent residency status of Saudi Arab at the age of 18.
  • They are fluent in the Arabic language, or they are native Arabic speakers.
  • Are well mannered and have good conduct.
  • They don’t have any criminal record or remain in prison for more than six months for breaking any law or obscene.

Through Marriage

Foreign can also get the Saudi citizenship or nationality through marriage on following criteria.

For Foreign Wives

A foreign man married to Saudi Woman can get Saudi nationality if the following conditions are fulfilled.

  • Men must have legal proof of marital relationship with Saudi Women.
    • The marriage should be according to the laws and instructions of Saudi Arabia.
    • Applicant must have a clean record in law and order. Or never been accused of misconduct or any criminal act by the Saudi police?
    • There should be no restriction given by the authority from both sides.
    • He should be living in Saudi Arabia.  
    • Their marriage should remain for at least five years, or marriage is of four years, and still, they have no children, then the following conditions should be satisfied.
    • The age difference between husband and wife is no more than five years.
    • The husband is a Saudi professional, such as Doctor or engineer.
    • She was born in Saudia, but her parents were foreign.
    • Her husband is her relative.
    • One of her sisters or brothers has a Saudi Arab Nationality.  
  • Also, the candidate is applicable for Saudi Nationality if the following conditions are satisfied.
    • If they have more than one child born in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
    • If the candidate has a son and his mother is a Saudi woman.
    • Candidates give birth to a son, and one of the applicant’s sister or brother holds Saudi nationality.
    • If the applicant is the son of a Saudi mother and fulfills the Saudi Arab Law Article 8 conditions.
    • The applicant’s father was a Saudi man, and she did not get Saudi citizenship from her father.

For Foreign Widows

Saudi Arabia nationality is given to the foreign widows of Saudi citizens if the following requirements are fulfilled.

  • Legal proof that she is the widow of a Saudi National.
  • The proof of abandonment is that she has left her original nationality before a public notary.
  • She must not get married to any other person after his husband’s death.
  • The applicant decided to live in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • The widow was never accused of any criminal or ant indecent act by Saudi Law.
  • There are no limitations or restrictions by the competent authorities.
  • The widow must have one or more children from her late husband who has reached the age of 18 or closer to it.

For Expats and Professionals

The professionals or ex-pats working in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia can apply for Saudi citizenship if they meet the following conditions.

  • The applicant is legally entered in Saudi Arabia through valid a passport that allows him to return to his country without any restriction.
  • He must be a resident of the Saudi Arab system for the last 10 consecutive years through a regular residency permit.
  • The applicant is in a profession that the country needs, i.e., engineering or doctor.

Furthermore, the applicant needs to score a total of 23 points out of 33 which are distributed as follows.

  • An applicant with 10 years of consecutive residency holds 10 points.
  • The applicant’s profession should be according to the country’s needs. Only one qualification is acceptable with a total score must not exceed 13 points.
  • Doctoral in medical or engineering degrees offer 13 scores.
  • Doctoral, master’s, and bachelor’s degrees in science provide 10, 8, and 5 points, respectively.
  • Family ties having Saudi relatives also allow scores to the applicant. They are distributed as follows. This score must not exceed 10 points. If the applicant
  • He will get 2 points if his father is a Saudi man.
  • The applicant will get 3 points if both mother and father are Saudi. 
  •  He will get 3 points if the applicant’s wife and her father have Saudi nationality. But the applicant will score 1 point if only the wife has Saudi nationality.
  • Has more than 2 Saudi children and a brother, he will get two points. But if the children are no more than two, he will get 1 point.

Saudi Nationality Benefits

Having Saudi nationality or citizenship provides a lot of benefits. Some of them are given below.

Religious Privileges

Saudi citizens also offer to stay in the Holy Land of Makkah and Madina and perform all the religious activities when they want. Furthermore, Saudi citizens can buy land or apartments in these two cities.

Vast Career opportunities

There are vast career opportunities for Saudi citizens to secure a dream job for themselves than non-citizens. Also, establishing business for Saudi citizens is more than others as they do not need to follow SAGIA’s hectic procedures.

Free Education and Healthcare

There is a free education and healthcare facilities for Saudi citizens. However, Saudi non-citizens spend a lot on education and expensive health facilities.


To get a nationality of a country like Saudi Arabia is a fortune for anyone. So, if you are a professional or ex-pat in Saudi Arabia or fulfill the above criteria, you must apply for Saudi Arab citizenship or nationality. Above is all detail for how to get Saudi nationality. If you have any queries, please let us know.

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