Monday, March 10, 2025

Institute for Art & Culture and RUBIKA France Conduct Faculty Training for Game & Animation Design

The Institute for Art and Culture’s collaboration with Rubika France, the reference school for Animation, Video Game & Design offers a unique opportunity for students to leverage Rubika’s vast expertise in 2D and 3D animation, game development, and design. Rubika is ranked the 3rd best Animation school in the world and 2nd in Europe.

Teacher training sessions were conducted by the experienced educator and pedagogist Ms. Jade Gardais, from Rubika France. The training sessions aimed to provide faculty with professional development opportunities and enhance their teaching skills. The main focus was on exploring innovative training aids & methodologies with idea conception, along with discussing effective pedagogical strategies and staying updated with the latest animation trends and research. TOT sessions also covered specific topics, such as differentiated instructions in the animation field, integration of technology, and student assessment.

Speaking on the occasion, Rubika’s Ms. Jade Gardais said, “I am thrilled about this collaboration and believe we can create a positive and transformative impact on our student learning experiences and can contribute to the global community of pedagogy. It had been a very fruitful session, we are looking forward to more learning sessions ahead, to flourish this industry of Game & Animation Design in Pakistan.”

A first in Pakistan, IAC offers a four-year bachelor’s degree program in Game Design, keeping in view the academia and industry gap. The program is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills, and hands-on PBL training necessary to become successful game designers through the latest storytelling techniques.  

Head of the Department, Mr. Zafar Khokhar said, “TOT sessions have encouraged interactive discussions and provided practical examples, to make the learning experience more enriching.

The sessions fostered a positive and inclusive environment where everyone’s perspectives were valued and respected.”

Animation students from IAC will be attending the three-week summer camp at Rubika, France as part of the collaboration in July. Students will learn a wide range of animation techniques with industry-standard software, creative storytelling, and advanced topics of animation with the skills needed to bring imaginative animation ideas to life. 

For more details on the institute’s international collaborations and events, head to

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