Saturday, March 1, 2025

KP’s Internships for Communication & Social Media Influencers

The youth of Pakistan is eagerly waiting for the opportunities that will help them to kick-start their careers. However, recently the government of KP- Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has announced around 1253 slots for job positions for communication interns and social media influencers.

This news has been unveiled by the government of KP through their official website for KP’s internship programs where the job description, requirements, deadline for applications, along with the offered salary all are mentioned in detail.

The current positions for KP Internship Program were posted on 27th December 2021; however, the deadline for applying is before 11th January 2022. Internships are offering a salary package of PKR 25,000 where the fresh graduates can also avail this opportunity. As per the reports, 2657 applications have already been received on KP Internship Portal.

In order to apply through the portal, one should register and create an account; however, after signing in to the account, one will be able to apply for an internship. Application is ending in 11 days and potential candidates are advised to apply as fast as they can.

KP Communication and Social Media Internship

Details of the Internship

The details shared officially on the portal regarding the internship positions of communication and social media influencers are as follows:

Job Description- JD

  1. To spread awareness right up to the grassroots level where the candidate must circulate awareness among the public about the initiatives and achievements of KP’s government.
  2. Timely upload contents that are provided by the PD Office or supervisor regarding the achievements of the government, social education, etc. through the assigned social media accounts and other accounts.
  3. Reporting all the fake news circulating on social media with the factual information provided by PD Office.
  4. To inform the assigned person of government about the public grievances and aspirations.
  5. Seeking the public opinion on any of the proposed initiatives of the government.
  6. Track and trace any human rights violation and public grievance surfacing the social media platforms.
  7. Highlight matters that promote national integration and unity.
  8. Establishment of linkage with the key official pages in the district i.e DC, PIOs, etc., and maintain a healthy relationship between the government departments.
  9. Meeting all the assigned monthly targets of outreach for assigned platforms.
  10. Keeping data of each activity/complete information/ projection done in terms of total shares, the public reach out i.e. likes and impressions along with the analysis of being successful or not with timely submission of work to PD office or assigned supervisor.
  11. Ensuring all the real-time communication through SM3P.
  12. Complete all other social media assigned tasks given by PD/PIU.

These are the overall tasks and project details mentioned above in JD. However, willing candidates with or without any experience can apply for these internship positions.

Note: Applying candidate must have at least 1000 followers on his/her any social media platform.

Required Qualification

  • FA / FSc / A Levels (12 Years) in Computer Science
  • FA / FSc / A Levels (12 Years) in Pre Medical
  • FA / FSc / A Levels (12 Years) in Pre Engineering
  • Diploma in IT (information technology)
  • FA / FSc / A Levels (12 Years) in Commerce
  • FA / FSc / A Levels (12 Years) in Fine arts
  • FA / FSc / A Levels (12 Years) in Science
  • Diploma of Associate Engineering (DAE 3 Years) in Civil Engineering
  • Diploma of Associate Engineering (DAE 3 Years) in Electrical engineering
  • Diploma of Associate Engineering (DAE 3 Years) in Mechanical Engineering
  • D.Com (2 Years) in Commerce
  • Diploma of Associate Engineering (DAE 3 Years) in Electrical and electronic engineering
  • Diploma of Associate Engineering (DAE 3 Years) in Electronics
  • FA / FSc / A Levels (12 Years) in Art

Required Experience

No prior or particular experience is required for applying for these internship positions; however, fresh graduates of the media field are also encouraged to apply for these posts.

Contact Details

In case of any Technical Issue, Please feel free to contact me while typing plain text on WhatsApp and send it. (No Direct Calls or Voice notes will be entertained).

Two WhatsApp numbers are provided whereas, one is for general information and the other one is for resolving your queries for portal level issues.

WhatsApp1: +92 318 1426743 (For general information)

WhatsApp2: +92 313 9647490 (Portal level Issues)

Email: [email protected]


The deadline for these internship positions of communication & social media influencer interns is before 11th January 2022. Applications submitted on the official KP Internship portal will be entertained only; moreover, applications sent through any other medium or platform will not be accepted.

Mehjabeen Qasim
Mehjabeen Qasim
Business Journalist at Startup Pakistan

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