Monday, September 16, 2024

‘Made in UAE’ air taxis, electric aircraft to hit skies by 2027

Odys Aviation, a US based hybrid-electric aircraft manufacturer has initiated operation in UAE. The company is to manufacture electric air taxis operating on zero-carbon alternatives to reduce emissions by 76%. The aircraft will be seen in the skies of UAE by 2027.

The electric aircraft will be capable of delivering all-electric propulsion for 320 km, having the range of 1200 km. Moreover, the air taxi will have the ability to reduce on pan-GCC carbon emissions by 76%.

The project is a part of NextGen FDI program launched by Odys Aviation, said The Ministry of Economy. Odys specifies in making hybrid electric aircraft for passengers, cargo, as well as emergency situations.

A full-scale exemplar will by launched in 2025 while people will be able to utilize the futuristic facility in 2027.

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