Saturday, September 21, 2024

MCB Islamic Bank Offers Fabulous Discounts on Your Favourite Eateries

MCB Islamic Bank is committed to enhancing your culinary experience by offering up to a Flat 40%

fabulous discounts. You can take advantage of these discounts through the Debit Cards suite offered by MCB Islamic. 

Whether you’re celebrating a special occasion or simply enjoying a day out with friends or family, these fabulous discounts will surely enhance the joy of any occasion.

These discounts are available every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Head to your nearest MCB Islamic Bank today to get your MCB Islamic Debit Card, or visit to see the discounts.

Bon appétit!

Exclusive Discounts at

Debit Card Discounts

  • UPI Platinum
    Flat 40% off
  • UPI Classic, Gold & PayPak
    Flat 25% off

  • UPI Platinum
    Flat 40% off
  • UPI Classic, Gold & PayPak
    Flat 25% off

  • UPI Platinum
    Flat 40% off
  • UPI Classic, Gold & PayPak
    Flat 25% off

  • UPI Platinum
    Flat 40% off
  • UPI Classic, Gold & PayPak
    Flat 25% off

  • UPI Platinum
    Flat 40% off
  • UPI Classic, Gold & PayPak
    Flat 25% off

  • UPI Platinum
    Flat 40% off
  • UPI Classic, Gold & PayPak
    Flat 25% off

  • UPI Platinum
    Flat 40% off
  • UPI Classic, Gold & PayPak
    Flat 25% off

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