Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Pakistan Navy to Lead Multinational Anti-Piracy Task Force

The Pakistan Navy will spearhead the Indian Ocean Region’s multinational anti-piracy task force. The command of the Combined Task Force (CTF-151) was handed over to the navy in a ceremony held at the Central Command Headquarters, Bahrain. The ceremony was attended by numerous diplomats and military dignitaries, including the Ambassadors of Pakistan and Turkey, stationed in the Gulf.

This will be the ninth time that Pakistan Navy has taken command of the CTF-151 Joint Task Force. This task force will conduct counter-piracy operations off the coast of Somalia and the southern side of the Red Sea, as per the joint mandates of the associated countries operating in the region.

Commodore Abdul Muneeb is the current commander of the Joint Task Force, according to a Pakistan Navy spokesperson. The new commander gave assurances in his address that the Pakistan Navy would work with other countries’ navies to preserve peace and stability in the region.

Inaugurated in 2009, the CTF-151 is a multinational naval task force. It continued to perform its duties under the supervision of the Joint Maritime Powers in the years that followed (CMF). The Task Force works in collaboration with Operation Atlanta from the EU and Operation Ocean Shield from NATO.

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