Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Pakistan produces 4000 tons of honey Anually, Around 400,000 people are Beekeepers in Pakistan.

According to a report produced by the China-Pakistan Agricultural and Industrial Information Cooperation Platform, Pakistani honey production has the potential to increase tenfold (CAPIC).

In Pakistan, the honey sector has a good reputation and a lot of potential for making people’s lives sweeter. Pakistan, which is endowed with a plethora of bee species and flowering plants, may and should grow farther in this industry. Pakistani honey is regarded as one of the most valuable forms of honey in the world. According to studies, the quality of Pakistan’s most natural raw honey fulfils all international standards.

However, the potential of this lucrative business has not been completely realised due to low yield and cheap prices. In 2019, the average beekeeper in Pakistan brought 11.7 kg of honey, whereas the global average is 20.6 kg. According to CEN, pesticide-damaged nectariferous plants, a lack of new technologies, and a lack of a certification system are all imparting a bad taste to apiculture.

According to FAO figures, over 390,000 persons in Pakistan are involved in beekeeping. Every year, they produce around 4,000 tonnes of honey. However, if current production technology and standard production practises are implemented, the country’s honey production is predicted to increase to 70,000 tonnes per year, resulting in the creation of approximately 87,000 green jobs.

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