Monday, March 10, 2025

Passenger Wore 2.5 Kg of Clothes to Avoid Paying an Extra Baggage Fee

Gel Rodriguez took the decision to wear the clothing that was causing her suitcase to weigh more than it was supposed to instead of paying for the extra weight when her bags ended up being too heavy.

This required wearing numerous layers of long-sleeved shirts, coats, trousers, and shirts.

In 2019, Gel shared a photo of herself wearing the outfits, and it truly captivated the world.

Gel detailed in the Facebook post how airline officials notified her that her carry-on luggage weighed more than the allowed seven kilograms.

This required wearing multiple layers of long-sleeved shirts, coats, trousers, and shirts.

She was only two kilograms over the weight limit because of the woman’s luggage, which weighed nine kilograms.

Gel lowered her pack’s weight by 2.5 kg by putting on the layers of clothing, which was more than she had to take off.

That made it possible for Gel to board the aircraft without paying the surcharge—despite looking pretty foolish.

6.5kg to 9kg of luggage. She posted a picture of the outcome with the message, “#ExcessBaggageChallengeAccepted.

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