Thursday, March 6, 2025

Qasim Ali Shah- Famous Inspirational Speaker’s Personal Photos leaked on Social Media due to hacking of Mobile Data

Qasim Ali Shah is a famous motivational speaker of Pakistan who has currently become the talk of the town due to his leaked personal photos on social media. According to him, his mobile was hacked recently and someone has leaked his personal pictures without his concern.

The clarification has been given by Qasim Ali Shah in a video where he stated regarding the leaked photos and also highlighted that he has registered a complaint regarding the matter to FIA. However, netizens are criticizing the act of leaking personal photos on social media as this is a major threat to privacy of anyone’s personal data.

Shah is concerned with the matter as he is one of the famous influential personalities in the nation for youth and this issue is serious for his career and personal life. Shah has stated that, “these pictures are not new; these are at least three to four years old that were saved in my smartphone.” He further added that “No female is present in my pictures.”

Qasim Ali Shah stated regarding the viral leaked pictures that he had given his mobile for repairing purpose and right after that his personal pictures rolled up on the internet as his data was stolen from his smartphone.

He added that “My personal pictures were taken inside my own home and people can also confirm that by looking at my current pictures of house.” He shared his personal pictures of house in order to justify and make this case strong in his favor.

Shah has made it clear that his pictures have nothing to compare it with an unethical act as he was present in his home and his family is aware of the facts; however, he is only concerned to take legal actions for leaking his pictures and this is the reason his case is submitted in FIA.

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