Friday, March 28, 2025

Say Goodbye to Bad Hair Days – Six Facts That Cause Frizz In Your Hair!

Tired of the nest that rests on your head? Done with untangling the mess you call hair? Ever wished you could ‘Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo!’ your hair into a frizz-free masterpiece?

If you answered all these questions with a ‘YES’, unfortunately you my friends are going through a ‘Frizz-Hair Crisis’ and you have most likely spent most of your time worrying about how your hair looks right that second than enjoy your time out. You have even avoided taking pictures when you wanted to because… well, your hair decided to do its own thing. You have DEFINITLY tried cover your hair with that silk scarf or even that baseball hat!


Just when you are preparing for the summer, ready to explore new looks and styles you’re hit with the Frizz-Hair crisis. Your perfect summer look, straight out of your favorite Instagram posts ruined. Your expectations shattered; your summer spirits crushed. All because of the rough texture of your hair. The one that makes it look like you have straightened your hair over a hundred times and then proceeded to walk through a windstorm! And nothing seems to be calming those hair down. So, you wish, oh how you wish there was something you could do about it. Something you could do to take control of that frizz instead of it controlling you!

Say No To These 6 Things

Take control of that Frizz by avoiding these 6 things and see how your hair game changes!

Number 01: No To Steamy Showers!

As relaxing as hot showers can be they are not good for your hair! Hot water opens the cuticles in your hair causing them to frizz! You do not have to skip out on relaxing showers, just lower that temperature a bit before you decide to wash your hair.

Number 02: Say No To Wrong Products!

Do not go in blind shopping for hair products! Make sure you know what your hair requires for growth, shine and its texture. All products cater to different types of hair. Know what is good for yours! For super frizzy hair Pantene has the perfect solution for frizz control i.e. with Pantene Goodbye Summer Frizz and its 3 step range that includes shampoo, conditioner and oil replacement cream that cleanses, moisturizes your hair and the oil replacement cream locks moisture for 72 hours for frizz control.

Number 03: No Regular Towels!

Throw that towel in the bin! If your hair is special so shall your towel! Regular terry towels remove too much moisture making you hair frizzy!

Number 04: Say No To Cotton Pillowcases!

Cotton Pillowcases tend to absorb more moisture. It tangles your hair as they tub against the pillow causing them to tangle. So, buy yourself some silk/satin pillowcases and avoid losing moisture!

More moisture less frizz!

Number 05: No Hair Touching!

As tempting as twirling your hair seems, do not give in! Twirling hair breaks up your curls causing them to frizz. So, the next time you find that hand creeping towards that strand… have some self-control!

Number 06: Say No To Brushing Curls!

Do not, I repeat do not brush your curls when dry! Only do so when you have conditioner or some sort of hair product in your hair to detangle, so you avoid causing the frizz.

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