Monday, February 24, 2025

Scientists Beam Solar Power from Space to Earth First Time Ever

A recent achievement in space technology involves successfully sending power wirelessly from space to Earth for the first time. The experiment, called SSPD-1 (Space Solar Power Demonstration-1), shows that it is possible to harness solar energy from space.

The prototype used in the experiment is called MAPLE (Microwave Array for Power-transfer Low-orbit Experiment). It consists of lightweight and flexible microwave power transmitters powered by affordable electronic chips made from silicon.

The MAPLE prototype has demonstrated its ability to transmit power to receivers in space and direct energy towards Earth. This accomplishment confirms that the technology can withstand the challenges of space and work effectively.

To make space solar power a practical solution, the energy transmission arrays need to be lightweight, foldable for transportation, and based on cost-effective technology. This successful demonstration is a significant advancement in utilizing the unlimited power of the sun in space, and it opens up exciting possibilities for generating energy in space.

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