Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Separate Places Allocated for Elderly and Disabled Pilgrims

In Makkah, separate places equipped with facilities have been allocated for the elderly and disabled pilgrims in Masjid al-Haram.

Here, a staff of women volunteers has been deployed to serve disabled and elderly women.

Arab media said that the Chair of Public Affairs, Harmeen Sharifeen, has allocated separate spaces for disabled and elderly worshippers in the Masjid al-Haram, in which all possible facilities have been ensured to them.

The purpose of allocating separate mosques for disabled worshippers is to provide them a peaceful environment for prayer and worship in Baitullah, separate spaces have been allocated for disabled and elderly women, in which a staff of volunteers consisting of women has been assigned to serve them.

Arrangements have been made to provide wheelchairs for visitors in places reserved for disabled and elderly people, special care has been taken of the privacy of disabled pilgrims.

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