Thursday, March 13, 2025

‘Sustainability- it’s a Lifestyle’ A Glimpse of Superior Maker Festival

Superior University is continually contemplating about how to improve the quality of life of its young students and faculty members in order to make positive changes in society. CMACED (Chaudhary Muhammad Akram Center for Entrepreneurship and Development) conducted Superior Maker Festival on February 14, 2021, with the vibrancy and thrill of ETTP (Entrepreneurship Teaching and Training Program) to instill the true spirit of “Can Do It” as it does every year. The Maker Festival was a gathering of grassroots innovators and makers. It’s a celebration of the maker movement and the do-it-yourself (DIY) ethos. It’s a community of makers that get together to bring a varied spectrum of raw, distinctive, and unconventional ideas to reality to tackle real-world problems.

Dr. Sumaira Rehman (Director CMACED & Rector Superior University) constantly encouraged students to create and innovate new things by saying that if you don’t have great aspirations and objectives, you’ll end up working for someone who does. Mr. Muneeb Ahmed, Director Superior Foundation for Research and Devlopment (SFRD) | Deputy Director of CMACED, has always stated that there is a pressing need to highlight our students’ innovative ideas and that we must instill the importance of entrepreneurship in our youth. We saluted the lady behind this initiative, Dr. Humaira Qudsia Yousaf, Assistant Director ETTP, who has always instilled the spirit of innovation in our youth, and this year’s theme was “Sustainability,” in which there was also an amazing competition held that is “Protect the climate change”.

Sustainability improves the quality of our lives, protects our ecosystem and preserves natural resources for future generations.

Pakistan is one of the few countries to achieve “on track status” vis-à-vis SDG 13 on Climate Change. The achievement of this status is largely, a result of several policies and initiatives by the government, which have been launched with the aim to improve the environment and manage the changing climate. Despite these initiatives and successes, Pakistan remains extremely vulnerable to the impacts of Climate Challenge. According to the Global Climate Risk Index 2021, Pakistan is ranked fifth in the list of countries most vulnerable to climate change. The human impacts of such events, for instance, the heat waves in Peshawar and Karachi, or Lahore’s overwhelming smog, are beginning to have dire health and economic impacts.

While the government leads and regulates the environmental sustainability agenda of the country, the responsibility for the conservation of the environment and its resources rests with all stakeholders, including the public and private sector, as well as individuals. That’s why there is dire need of infusing sustainability in our every aspect of life and generating new astounding ideas for making Pakistan a more sustainable country.

There was a plethora of energizing and enthralling activities. Protect the Climate Challenge, Tech-fest, Art of Recycling, road safety awareness and Photography Competition. What is a celebration if not for fun and entertainment? The concert was held for fun and lifting your spirits. Similar events have a positive impact on our young students and teach them important life skills that will aid them in navigating their uncertain future, and CMACED, the innovation hub, will continue to host such events to promote its students.

Sustainability Ensures a Future for All

In this event, a highly exemplary & commendable chief guest from the corporate sector Mr. Ali Salman (Chairperson and CEO of TEVTA) was with us who instilled the importance of sustainability and entrepreneurship in the souls of our youth. We also had Ms. Parveen Sarwar with us as a Chief Guest and she addressed the crowd to have a word of wisdom with the students and inculcated a sense of responsibility in them & instilled them with the significance of creating something new & how to be unique. A fraternity of 30 honorary guests from the industry in which there were Mr. Najam Mazari (CEO – Chiltan Pure), Mr. Mudassir Iqbal (CEO – The, Mr. Feroz Tahir (CEO – E-Creator), Mr. Saqib Azhar (CEO – Enablers), and Mr. Faisal Azhar (COO – Enablers) also joined who inculcated the importance of entrepreneurship in our youth and the significance of sustainability. Global speakers from the USA and other foreign countries joined us. Winner students got exhilarating prizes.

When you need to innovate, you need collaboration. Our inestimable partners who collaborated with us were Chiltan Pure, Enablers, E- creators, PNY, The, Free Fire, Dawaa Asaan, Dawn and Jazz. Regardless of who we are, where we live, and what we do, we all have a moral obligation to each other, our future generations, and other species to sustain the planet. Our present choices and actions have huge long-term impacts on future generations. Practicing sustainability ensures that we make ethical choices that bring a safe and livable future to everyone. If we deplete the resources of the Earth, future generations will be depleted. Events like this impacts our youth & teach them the crucial life skills that will help them navigate their uncertain future and CMACED the hub of innovation will always organize such events to promote their students.

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