Two officials from the Sindh government were suspended after they boarded the Chief Minister’s plane without proper authorization. The incident involved Syed Faraz Ali, a Section Officer, and Wajid Shah, a protocol officer, who traveled along with their families from Islamabad to Karachi on a test flight of Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah’s plane.
The plane was on a test run and had not been approved for carrying passengers. However, the two officials and their families boarded the aircraft despite the lack of clearance. This unauthorized travel was deemed a serious breach of protocol.
The Sindh government later issued a formal notification confirming the suspension of both officials. Chief Secretary of Sindh, Asif Haider Shah, emphasized that the flight was strictly for testing purposes and that no one had permission to use it for personal travel.
The matter has raised questions about the misuse of government resources and the need for stricter oversight to prevent similar incidents in the future.