Wednesday, March 12, 2025

5G Services to Launch in Pakistan by August 2024

Pakistan is getting ready to introduce 5G mobile phone connectivity in August 2024 because people want faster and better telecommunications services.

The Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunication has a plan for this. They will hire an international consultant to help with the project, create a committee to guide 5G’s future in Pakistan, and make rules for how to auction the 5G spectrum. They will look at what worked in countries like Bangladesh to decide how to do the auction. Importantly, they want the auction to be competitive, so it’s fair and not just given to one company.

Before they do the auction, they want to improve the telecom sector. They have to deal with ongoing court cases about spectrum allocation and give incentives to telecom companies to take part in the auction.

To make 5G better, they will also make it easier to open Letter of Credits (LC) and lay fiber optic cables.

This launch of 5G in Pakistan is a big deal for technology. It will change how people talk and use the internet. It will also help with new things like better healthcare, education, and transportation.

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