Sunday, September 8, 2024

‘13th Rajab’ Marks the Birth Anniversary of Ameer ul Momineen Imam Ali (AS)

1400 years ago, Muhammad SAW was the first person the new born baby saw, taking him in his arms and naming him Ali.

He was the husband of Prophet Muhammad SAW’s beloved daughter Fatima binte Muhammad, he was the father of Islam’s greatest and bravest sons ‘Husnain e Kiraymain’ Hazrat Hassan o Hussain RA, he was the guardian of Prophet Muhammad SAW from a young age and fought alongside Muhammad SAW shoulder to shoulder, he was Muhammad SAW’s son-in-law, he’s the cousin, He’s Haider e Karrar, Mola Ali Ibne Talib (peace be upon him), he’s among the Ashra Mubasharra, he’s the Ameer ul Momineen – Fourth Caliph of Islam, he’s the one of whom Hazrat Muhammad SAW once stated “Ali is from me, I’m from Ali,” he’s the Ameer ul Momineen – Fourth Caliph of Islam.

Today is the birthday of Hazrat Ali ul Murtaza RA, Islam’s most important personality.

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