Sunday, September 8, 2024

Pakistan Loans 173 Gandhara Art Pieces to China

One of the greatest consignments of works of art from the Gandhara region has been given to China by the Department of Archaeology and Museums for an exhibition in Beijing.

These relics, which include 173 Gandhara masterworks from the Peshawar, Swat, Dir, Hund, Taxila, Karachi, and Islamabad museums, will go on display at the Palace Museum Forbidden City on February 15. Three months will pass after the exhibition opens.

The provincial departments of archaeology in Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa actively supported the show and loaned some of their best examples of Gandhara art.
“The event will be attended by dignitaries and senior officials from Pakistan.

A crucial role was performed by the Pakistani Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Chinese Embassy in Islamabad, and the Pakistani Embassy in China.

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