Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Australian Skilled Worker Visa: Step-to-Step Procedure!

Subclass 189 is the Australian skilled worker visa one can acquire on having an invitation in Australia. The skilled applicants must meet the points requirement to get the invitation. This visa has two categories, one for international workers and other for New Zealand citizens.

Visa Streams

The two categories included in subclass 189 are the following.

Points Tested Stream

In this category, the applicants must have at least 65 points to obtain an invitation. There is no requirement for a sponsor.

New Zealand Stream

This stream is specifically for New Zealand citizens who have been residing in Australia since or before 19th February 2016 under special visa 444. The citizens must have lived for a minimum of 5 years.

Eligibility Criteria

The eligibility criteria for the skilled worker visa is the following.

  • Minimum 65 points on score table.
  • Possess an invitation.
  • Less than 45 years of age.
  • Must have positive skills evaluation (work experience and degree can play a role in it).

The eligibility criteria for the New Zealand stream are:

  • Have lived in Australia for minimum of 5 years.
  • Own special visa subclass 444.
  • The applicants must have earned an income threshold at least.

Documents Required

The following documentation must be submitted for skilled worker visa.

  • Copy of the passport and/or ID Card.
  • An expression of interest for skilled worker visa.
  • Character documents with a from 80 for points score.
  • Proof of English proficiency (not required for New Zealand citizens).
  • Skill assessment documents.
  • Incase the applicant has changed the name, provide name changing documents.

The New Zealand stream applicants must provide the following.

  • Income proof documentation.
  • Residence documents.

How to Apply

Follow the steps mentioned below to apply.

  • Submit an expression of interest through Skillset for points tested stream.
  • Start filling in the form and you will know your points at the end of EOI. If the score is 65 or above it, the candidate will receive an invitation.
  • Submit the EOI and wait for Visa submission invite.
  • On receiving the invitation, log in to the Skillset account and press the option of ‘Apply for the visa’. A new ImmiAccount page will open through which you can apply for visa.

Visa Fees

The Australian 189 visa fee is AUD4,115. The applicants who are unable to provide English language proficiency proof have to pay another AUD4,890. The processing time is 15 to 25 months.

The New Zealand stream applicants must pay 20% of the amount first and the remaining in second installment. The visa processing time is 14 to 17 months.

Occupation List

The applicants must choose a profession listed in the skilled occupation list. There is ANZSCO code for each occupation which you must know as you might be required to put in the form.

The applicants can stay for as long as they want with subclass 189 visa and can also bring their close family members including spouses, children as well as grandchildren. For children above 18 years of age, provide the proof that they are dependent on you.

The applicants can travel for 5 years with skilled worker visa and then apply for resident visa. Avail this wonderful opportunity to live in Australia.

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