Friday, October 18, 2024

Chicken, Egg Prices Hit Record High in Pakistan

The surge in chicken and egg prices across Pakistan can be attributed to a combination of factors that have impacted the poultry industry. The industry cites the high costs of feed, fuel, and electricity as key contributors to the price hike. These input costs directly influence the production expenses for poultry farmers, subsequently affecting the market prices of chicken and eggs.

On the other hand, the government accuses the industry of hoarding and profiteering, indicating a lack of transparency or fair market practices. The blame game between the poultry industry and the government adds to the complexity of the issue, leaving consumers caught in the crossfire.

According to data from the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, the average price of a dozen eggs has reached an unprecedented Rs450, creating financial strain for households. The rising cost of broiler chicken meat further compounds the economic challenges faced by consumers.

The poultry industry defends itself by asserting that market forces of demand and supply dictate prices. However, their plea for relief in the form of subsidies, tax exemptions, and duty-free import of feed ingredients reveals the economic pressures they face.

The impact extends beyond individual consumers, affecting businesses in the food industry. Restaurants, hotels, bakeries, and caterers find themselves compelled to either raise prices or reduce portions due to the increased cost of ingredients. Some establishments even opt to eliminate chicken and egg dishes from their menus altogether.

Consumers, frustrated by the soaring prices, demand government intervention to alleviate the situation. They seek measures to bring prices down to a reasonable level, reflecting the broader concern over the affordability and availability of essential food items.

As the winter season typically sees a heightened demand for chicken and eggs, the prices are expected to remain elevated in the coming days, exacerbating the economic challenges faced by both consumers and businesses in the food industry.

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