Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Common Habits That Make You Smarter Than Others

Intelligent, present answer, knowledgeable, and bright minded are some words used to describe people’s intelligence.

It is not easy to determine a person’s intelligence level completely. However, most experts agree that intelligent people share certain habits. So, study the following habits or things that make you smarter than others.

Focusing People who can focus on one thing for an extended period of time without being distracted are highly intelligent. This claim was revealed in a study that found intelligent people focus on the most important details while ignoring unimportant details.

Those who stay up late According to a study conducted by the London School of Economics and Political Science, people who are accustomed to staying up late at night have higher IQ levels. Researchers believed that this was the result of human evolution. Other experts believe that people who work outside of the traditional 9-5 workday and work late into the night have more opportunities for variety and creativity because there are fewer interruptions during their work.

Excessive curiosity According to a study published in the Journal of Individual Differences, people who score high on IQ tests are also more curious about things from their childhood. Curiosity and intelligence always go hand in hand, and the pursuit of answers to all kinds of questions keeps intelligent people busy. Do not conceal your ignorance. Intelligent people admit their ignorance of a subject and are not afraid to say, ‘I don’t know about that,’ in order to learn more about it.

Extremely concerned According to studies, anxious people are often more intelligent in some ways. According to one study, people who worry and constantly think about solutions to problems perform better on intelligence tests. There is no concern about the sequence of events. According to one study, intelligent people are surrounded by clutter, which enhances their creativity. Another study discovered that when people focus on their goals and don’t care about anything else, their belongings become disorganized.

Try not to overwork Laziness is not a sign of intelligence, but most intelligent people do not work as hard to improve their abilities as average intelligence people do. According to one study, highly intelligent people learn things faster than others or do not worry about falling behind. Body weight is average. According to one study, the higher one’s body weight, the lower one’s mental capacity. Another study found that people with too little or too much body weight perform worse on mental tests.

Excellent sense of humor A study found that intelligent people have a great sense of humor. In fact, such people have a greater ability to make others laugh than others. They are completely absorbed in themselves. According to research from Singapore Management University and the London School of Economics, highly intelligent people are less happy in life when they are required to socialize more.

Daily tasks are constantly being put off. Most intelligent people are accustomed to putting off mundane tasks in order to prioritize more important tasks.

Internal Monologue If you are accustomed to talking to yourself, this can be interpreted as a sign of intelligence. A study conducted by the University of Wisconsin in the United States discovered that people who engage in self-talk remember things better.

Spend more time sitting down According to one study, people who think more do not engage in more physical activity. According to the researchers, such people are not mentally bored with their work and would rather do it than waste time.

The sibling who is the oldest According to a study published in the Journal of Human Resources, the eldest child in a household has a ‘intellectual advantage’ over other children and may have a higher IQ. According to studies, this is because parents pay more attention to their first child, which improves mental development.

Memory is excellent. Intelligent people typically have excellent memories. A good memory indicates that their mental functions are functioning properly and that they can easily transition from one task to another.

Mehjabeen Qasim
Mehjabeen Qasim
Business Journalist at Startup Pakistan

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