Saturday, March 15, 2025

Dr Iffat Zafar Aga; One of The Prominent Female Cofounders of The Startup World Wins The Study UK Business and Innovation Award

The winners of the Study UK Alumni Awards Pakistan 2024 in Pakistan were announced at a ceremony, hosted by the British Council on the 4th of March 2024.

The Business and Innovation award was presented to Dr. If­fat Zafar Aga(University of Edin­burgh), Co-founder and COO of Sehat Kahani, a Pakistani telemed­icine startup. Dr. Iffat is revolu­tionizing healthcare accessibility, earning accolades like the USAID SHIFT Prize, Heroines of Health­care Award from the World Health Summit, and Forbes recognition. The Award was received by her father Mr. Mahboob Ali Khan. Under her leadership, her organi­zation Sehat Kahani has succeeded in establishing a network of 63 E-Health centres, A Mobile application with a Consumer & Corporate interface being used currently in over 860 companies and collectively Sehat Kahani has conducted over 2.6 million online consultations. Dr. Iffat along with her partner Sara Saeed Khurram are also one of the very few team of female Cofounders from Pakistan to have secured a ground-breaking Series A investment.

The awards were handed out to the winning Alumni by Dr. Umar Saif, Founder and Ad­visor Khudi Ventures, Andrew Dalgleish, Deputy High Commis­sioner at the British High Com­mission, Dr. Paul Thompson, the Chair of the British Council, Kate Ewart-Biggs, the Deputy Chief Ex­ecutive of the British Council and James Hampson Country Direc­tor British Council Pakistan. The awardees were recognised for their outstanding achievements as business professionals, entre­preneurs, and community lead­ers, and for their contribution to strengthening ties between the UK and Pakistan. The ceremony was attended by senior represent­atives from government, private organisations, and UK alumni.

The award judging panel select­ed recipients for the four award categories: Science and Sustaina­bility Award, Culture and Creativ­ity Award, Social Action Award, and Business and Innovation Award.This prestigious international award celebrates UK higher ed­ucation and the achievements of UK alumni all over the world.

Andrew Dalgleish, the Deputy High Commissioner at the Brit­ish High Commission Pakistan said, “Tonight’s awards show­case just how strong the UK and Pakistan partnership in educa­tion is. From directly supporting 4.5 m children to access schools, to our Chevening and Common­wealth scholarships, we are com­mitted to supporting opportu­nities in Pakistan. We are proud of our alumni who are ambassa­dors for both our countries and a testament to our strong peo­ple-to-people connections.”

The Science and Sustainability award was presented to Dr. Abid Ali Malik (University of Sheffield), a renowned psychiatrist. Dr. Abid has contributed to mental health leadership in 22 EMRO countries. As a Fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatry, he paved the way for impactful global interventions and advocacy for mental health policies, like WHO’s Thinking Healthy Program for perinatal depression. His journey show­cases dedication to addressing global mental health challeng­es through clinical practice, re­search, and leadership.

The Culture and Creativi­ty award was presented to Saad Masood Zuberi (City, Universi­ty of London), a renowned jour­nalist and filmmaker. Saad’s work has featured on global platforms like BBC and Al Jazeera, creating a significant influence on social awareness and policy reforms about human rights and social issues. Nominated for esteemed awards such as the Emmy and In­ternational Documentary Associ­ation Award, his documentaries showcase a commitment to pub­lic interest journalism.

The Social Action award was presented to Dr Tanvir Ahmad (Durham University). Dr. Tanvir is currently leading UNHCR Pakistan in energy-environment initiatives to provide sustainable energy ac­cess to marginalized communities in South Asia. This includes Disas­ter Risk Management (DRM) and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) ac­tivities for Afghan refugees and lo­cal Pakistani communities.

The finalists for this year’s Study UK Alumni Awards 2023-24 in Pakistan were:

Business and Innovation Award: Dr. Iffat Zafar Aga, Uni­versity of Edinburgh, Asad Aslam, Queen Mary University of Lon­don, Nabeel Akmal Qadeer, Uni­versity of Strathclyde

Science and Sustainability Award: Dr. Abid Ali Malik, Univer­sity of Sheffield, Dr. Khuram Per­vez Amber, London South Bank University, Prof. Dr. Saima Yasin, Imperial College London

Culture and Creativity Award: Saad Masood Zuberi, University of London, Ghulam Hyder Daud­pota, University of Wales, Dr. Ri­zwana Abbasi, University of Leicester Social Action Award: Dr. Tanvir Ahmad, Durham Uni­versity, Haya Emaan Zahid, City, University of London, Zile Huma, University of Oxford.

James Hampson, Country Di­rector Pakistan, British Coun­cil, said: “Today, we celebrate the success of the remarka­ble individuals who are shaping the world around them with the skills, knowledge and experience they acquired from the UK educa­tion. This year’s awards ceremo­ny is testimony not only to the di­verse skillsets of UK alumni and their endeavours but also to the transformative impact of a UK ed­ucation and our commitment to educate every generation of Pa­kistani.”

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