Monday, March 10, 2025

How To Use NADRA E-Sahulat – A Complete Guide

Nadra has established its E-Commerce Podium intended to deliver connected compensation as well as assortment capability for the population in addition to governments over and done with numerous channels. These channels have been set up at community residences through its Authorization System as well as are associated with NADRA’s Nationwide Statistics Granary through protected internet networks.

Extraordinary side-by-side encryption confirms fortification of a person’s statistics being communicated to the granary for confirmation. This organization deals in a suitable, low-cost substitute to flyer expenditures as well as extra automated businesses while improving consumer accessibility.

In the year 2008, the General Databank in addition to Registering Consultant or else NADRA propelled an e-commerce podium known as NADRA e-Sahulat that permitted clienteles through Pakistan to complete numerous automated businesses, for example disbursing their household flyers as well as transmitting cash, by going to their next-door e-Sahulat authorization.

The NADRA e-Sahulat threshold was planned to improve the outreach of services for entire inhabitants, predominantly those existing in neglected zones. Now, the thee-Sahulat system assertions over and above 12,000 dynamic authorizations.

The e-Sahulat display place likewise propositions the citizens in the nadra e sahulat cnic verification which permits general public to authenticate the essentials of additional resident’s CNIC beforehand creating several financial dealings before formal acceptance whichever commercial arrangements.

This capability objects to safeguard a harmless in addition to protected possession transmission, acquisition of automobile, occupational as well as auctions communications in addition to wage earner employment amongst other people.

Furthermore, NADRA correspondingly arranges for registering facilities at its e-Sahulat franchise for numerous administration enterprises, for instance, the Naya Pakistan Housing Scheme.

in addition to it stays well-thought-out the leading solitary billing generator in Pakistan. It remains likewise accountable for the biometric confirmation in addition to payment of Administration to Individuals expenditures, for example, annuity as well as Zakat, amongst additional facilities.

The subsequent penchants in addition to features have been combined in the presentation to make sure transactional and scheme safety.

  • Modified safety situations for businesses following customer necessity
  • Industrialized on ISO 8583 criterions
  • Biometric and Individual Documents Numeral regular safety
  • Skipping encryption procedure for every single business deal

Excepting insufficient exclusions, practically everything in the nationwide convenience provision benefactors, as well as telecommunication operatives, are on a panel with NADRA e-Sahulat creating it a commercially feasible as well as a reliable operational system. An ephemeral explanation of Facilities and Produces presently obtainable remains the following:

  • Bill Expenses:

Convenience Businesses, Electrical energy, liquid, Mobile, Smoke

The recompense of banks by holders of accounts

  • Money Payment

Payment of assets for the e-Governance schemes

  • Additional Strategies

National Identity card confirmation Facility

NADRA e-Sahulat in Pakistan: Services, Franchising & More | Zameen Blog

In What Way To Recompense The Bills From Nadra E-Sahulat?

  • e sahulat nadra has prepared to disburse function flyers plentiful further expedient.
  • Customers of completely in the electronic circulation businesses below WAPDA, Karachi Electronic, Sui Gas Corporations, Telecommunication Operatives as well as Liquid in addition to Cleanliness Panels can at this time recompense their charges by going to their nearby e-Sahulat authorization at some time of the day or during the week.
  • Bellows are a step-by-step procedure for reimbursing bills over e-Sahulat:
  • Stage 1: go to the adjacent e-Sahulat authorization with the function bill in addition to the owing money quantity.
  • Stage 2: Make available the customer integers otherwise flyer number of reference to the e-Sahulat authorization to recover utility bill statistics.
  • Stage 3: Confirm the recovered statistics, first and foremost the flyer integer as well as the outstanding expanse.
  • Stage 4: If the whole thing appears well, individual should make the payment and then receive the receipt.

Nadra E-Sahulat Merchandises As Well As Service Area

Below are the items of facilities delivered by NADRA e-Sahulat in Pakistan:

NADRA e-Sahulat in Pakistan: Services, Franchising & More | Zameen Blog

  • Expenses bill Imbursement
  • Cash Transmission that is the National Settlement
  • Zakat as well as Annuity Expenditure
  • Inhabitant Confirmation
  • Micro Finance Mortgage Assortment
  • Learner Charge Assemblage
  • Contribution Assemblage
  • Expenses bill Imbursement
  • Cash Transmission that is the National Settlement
  • Zakat as well as Annuity Expenditure
  • Inhabitant Confirmation
  • Micro Finance Mortgage Assortment
  • Learner Charge Assemblage
  • Contribution Assemblage
  • Pakistan ID identification card Payment Assemblage
  • Cell phone load
  • e-PINs of The whole Telco’s

By What Method To Handover Cash By The Means Of Nadra E-Sahulat

NADRA e-Sahulat has contracted a contract with HBL as well as JazzCash, which permits consumers to propel in addition to obtain the cash contained by Pakistan for local transfer of funds in a safe, appropriate as well as well-organized method.

In What Way To Drive Cash With The Nadra E Sahulat Branchless Banking

Below are the following steps for guidance:

Stage 1: go to the next-door e-Sahulat authorization with the useable Electronic National Identity Card (CNIC) in addition to its duplicate. CNICs which are expired can not be used for internal transfer of funds.

Stage 2: Be responsible for the receiver’s legalized NADRA CNIC integer

Stage 3: Offer individuals as well as receiver’s mobile phone integers

Stage 4: As soon as the cash is set to, mutually the dispatcher plus the taker will obtain validation SMS communications covering the business deal identity card.

Stage 5: Thee-Sahulat arrangement with resolution and make a code of five integers, in addition, to propel it straight to the receiver’s cell phone integers.

Installation manual

In What Way To Take Delivery Of Cash With The Help-Sahulat No Branch Banking 

  • Go to the first e-Sahulat authorization with the useable identification card in addition to its duplicate.
  • Arrange for the Business deal ID as well as the code number of five digits which is interconnected by the dispatcher

In What Manner To Contribute Via Nadra E-Sahulat

NADRA e-Sahulat likewise proposals a contribution assemblage facility that gives surety that the cash ranges dissimilar administrations over a safe station.

These remain the non-profit as well as the non-government administrations individual can contribute to employing thee-Sahulat system:

Below are the big organization’s to which an individual can donate through nadra e sahulat

  • Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital (SKMCH)
  • Sahara For Life Trust (SAHARA)
  • Shifa Groundwork
  • Shalimar. it is a business trust hospital

NADRA e-Sahulat in Pakistan: Services, Franchising & More | Zameen Blog

Below Are The Steps Given To Transfer Money

Stage 1: go to some e-Sahulat authorization in Pakistan then request them to direct a contribution to some of the mentioned administrations

Stage 2: Wage the expanse plus accept a receiving to authorize the reimbursement

Nade-E Sahulat Land-Living Registers Establishment Capacity

Permitted to decrease the assignment on the Arazi Record Centres (ARCs) in the jurisdiction, the Punjab Land Record Consultant has contracted a contract with NADRA to give Fard. It is the manuscript that designates evidence of possessions rights.

Possessions possessors in the jurisdiction can go to a few of the elected e-Sahulat Hubs in Punjab in addition to fee simply a hundred rupees in charge to recover the Fard in 5 proceedings.

Exactly How To Succumb Fees Via Nadra E-Sahulat

Students can pay their fees using the nadra e sahulat. Below is the complete guide on how to pay the fee.

  •  Students should bring the payment coupon to a few nadra e sahulat franchises in Pakistan
  •  Students should mention otherwise coupon digit to the worker in command to repossess the at liberty statistics
  • As soon as the student verifies the payment figures, they have to submit the expanse to the worker who is working at the franchise.
  •  After the fee has been salaried positively, students will obtain a reimbursement acknowledgment to approve the contract.

How to use NADRA E-Sahulat | 2020 Guide - ProPakistani

Additionally, if individuals have smeared for a newfangled CNIC otherwise a NICOP via the NADRA’s operational Pakistan Individuality scheme, an individual can take the help of the e-Sahulat system to wage the identification card fee after being issued.

E-Sahulat authorizations in Pakistan are fortified to gather the subscription via Biometric as well as Hunt down ID of the resident who has smeared for the new-fangled identification card. Individuals can also call on the helpline number of nadra e sahulat.

Nadra E Sahulat Complaint Management System

The e-Sahulat display place likewise propositions the citizens in the nadra e sahulat cnic verification which permits general public to authenticate the essentials of additional resident’s CNIC beforehand creating several financial dealings before formal acceptance whichever commercial arrangements.

This capability objects to safeguard a harmless in addition to protected possession transmission, acquisition of automobile, occupational as well as auctions communications in addition to wage earner employment amongst other people.

Furthermore, NADRA correspondingly arranges for registering facilities at its e-Sahulat franchise for numerous administration enterprises, for instance, the Naya Pakistan Housing Scheme.

NADRA e-Sahulat in Pakistan: Services, Franchising & More | Zameen Blog By What Method To Apply Online For E-SAHULAT Franchise 

  •  Look into the authorized NADRA e-Sahulat threshold
  • Look for the ‘Franchise’ in the topmost direction-finding set menu
  •  Tick on ‘go for online from the list of options
  • Seal the online procedure by writing individuals private information, occupational statistics as well as 2 allusions in the pertinent arenas
  •  At last, the individual has to click on the submit button and the online application will be submitted.

As soon as the submission stays conventional, the bureaucrats from NADRA will demeanor a location examination of the individual’s occupational position, in addition, to authenticate the particulars in advance registering the individual as an employee at a franchise,


Nadra e sahulat kiosk reporting are minor openings that have been connected at community sitting room in most important metropolises underneath its extensive authorization system. These kiosks obligate a protected joining to the NADRA catalog, which permits inhabitants to accomplish their expenses as well as utility bills in addition to additional communications operationally.

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