Thursday, March 6, 2025

Hydel Power Generation Reaches A New High In FY21

During the peak hours of Sunday night, the Water and Power Development Authority (Wapda) generated 8,854 megawatts (MW) of hydel power, the highest level in the current year.

According to Wapda figures, the energy output increased by roughly 1,277MW over the previous year, mainly to the Tarbela Hydel Power Station and Tarbela 4th Extension Hydel Power Station generating at their maximum capacity.

According to the data, the Tarbela Hydel Power Station generated a total of 4,926MW, which was significantly more than the 4,888MW built capacity.

“Mangla Hydel Power Station delivered 920MW, Ghazi Barotha 1,450MW, and Neelum-Jhelum 850MW to the national grid, while other stations added 708MW,” according to a statement.

Wapda now owns and operates 22 hydel power plants, including Neelum-Jhelum, totaling 9,406MW of installed generation capacity. These stations add 37 billion units of power to the grid each year on average.

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