Sunday, March 16, 2025

Help International Welfare Trust organizing Thalassemia Major Awareness Walk at Karachi on 8th May 2022

8th May is observed as International Thalassemia Day globally. Awareness sessions and thalassemia screenings are carried out worldwide to signify Thalassemia Awareness. Help International Welfare Trust is organizing a Thalassemia Major Awareness Walk Bait ul Makarram Masjid Gulshan e Iqbal to Civic Center Hasan Square Karachi on 8th May 2022.
Thalassemia is a blood disorder that presents itself in two forms – Thalassemia Major and Thalassemia minor. Thalassemia minor refers to a person who is a carrier. On the other hand, thalassemia major results in a life-long disorder that requires proper care. Thalassemia major patients do not have normal red blood cells and need regular blood transfusions. Patients with thalassemia major have to rely on medicines and blood transfusions throughout their life. The transfusions may be monthly, bi-monthly, every 10 days, or per need.
Thalassemia major children exhibit symptoms as early as months of age. Thalassemia minors do not show any symptoms as they are healthy as an individual. However, if one thalassemia minor person marries another thalassemia minor, their children have a high chance of having Thalassemia major. Considering the agony of living by blood transfusions throughout their life, healthcare professionals highly discourage marriage between two thalassemia minor individuals.
You can give your kids a healthy life and save them from Thalassemia Major by getting yourself tested. Get yourself and your potential spouse tested for Thalassemia minor at any Thalassemia care center such as Help Thalassemia care center Gulistan e Jauhar.
Join us on 8th March 2022 at Masjid Bait ul Mukarram to spread this message to the masses. You can help save lives; you can help save children from this painful, sometimes fatal disease.

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