Saturday, July 27, 2024

Nawaz Sharif Issued Passport and Free to Travel by New Government

On Monday, a passport for former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was issued to the Pakistani Embassy in London.

On February 16 last year, the former prime minister’s passport, which is in London in connection with his treatment, was revoked.

For ten years, the PMLN supremo has been issued a Pakistani passport of the ordinary category.

After a change of government in Pakistan, Nawaz Sharif’s passport was extended by the order of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif. The new government directed the relevant authorities to issue the former PM with a ticket, and he could travel freely to Pakistan.

The ordinary passport was issued in Islamabad on April 23, 2022. According to the Sharif family, the date of the trip has not been set yet.

Nawaz Sharif had an appointment with the Pakistan High Commission in London on April 23 that was cancelled at the last minute.

Sources claim that Pakistan High Commission officials took his fingerprints at his home.

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