Friday, March 14, 2025

Pakistan Railways has resumed train service between Islamabad and Tehran and Istanbul

MOC’s Strategic Trade Policy Framework includes regional connectivity as one of the key pillars (STPF). It was heartening to watch the resuming of operations of the Istanbul-Tehran-Islamabad (ITI) Freight Train after nine years, said Advisor, speaking at the Inauguration ceremony of Islamabad-Tehran- Istanbul freight train.

The train will travel between Pakistan, Iran, and Turkey in 12 days and will help to ease the transit of products between the three countries. I encourage our exporters to take use of this alternative route and form of transportation, and to contact MOC if they want any assistance. Today will be a day that this region will remember for a long time.

The Ministry of Commerce has been working hard to expand trade and has asked for help. Under TIR, we’ve already started regional trading with trucks. Trucking is still going strong, but the true opportunity lies in the more cost-effective railways.

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