Friday, March 14, 2025

Pakistan ranked third in global ‘return to normal’ index

Pakistan was in third place on a list of countries ranked according to how quickly they were able to return to normal life following the new coronavirus outbreak.

The Global Normalcy Index was created by The Economist to assess countries based on their progress in eight different areas.

Sports attendance, time spent at home, retail footfall, traffic congestion, workplace occupancy, flights, movie theatre attendance, and public transportation are all factors to consider.

The list includes 50 countries that account for roughly 75 percent of global population and 90 percent of global GDP.

With 96 percent normality, Hong Kong came out on top, followed by New Zealand with 87 percent. Pakistan came in third place, with a normalcy rate of 84.4 percent. China was ranked 19th, the United States was 20th, and the United Kingdom was 36th.

In a news statement, The Economist stated, “The world is steadily returning to pre-pandemic levels.” “Today, it stands at 66 (out of 100), indicating that the world has returned to pre-pandemic life nearly half the way,” it continued.

Pakistan rated in the top 100 in the categories of “retail,” “office use,” “time not spent at home,” and “public transportation.” Pakistan, on the other hand, did poorly in the categories of flight resumption and film.

“Hong Kong and New Zealand are currently at the top of our tables,” according to the research, “two places that have implemented excellent safeguards against the coronavirus and suffered very few deaths.”

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