Friday, October 18, 2024

Saqib Azhar Highlighted the concern on 17% Tax imposed on E-Commerce Sales by Govt

Enablers’ CEO, Saqib Azhar has recently brought a significant tax concern into consideration of youth contributing to E-Commerce industry in Pakistan.

According to Saqib Azhar’s recent post on his official social media account, he has highlighted that the Government of Pakistan is planning to impose taxes on the E-commerce sales. He has further stated that “Do you agree or disagree? Is it the right move?”

Azhar has always been a motivation for youth as he motivated others to become enable by stepping up to be independent entrepreneur and earn online through E-Commerce by affiliating to Amazon; however, now this major concern for imposing of tax after the approval of Pakistan to add into the list of Amazon’s sellers has made many people worried.

He stated that, “When the E-Commerce is on its peak and 17% tax is being considered is certainly not the right move – I am NOT against taxes but when the Youth is making and contributing a lot for the growth of Pakistan – this will not HELP at all at this stage.”

It has been clarify by Saqib Azhar that he is not against the taxes; however, this is not the right time to impose such step because these self-made learners and freelancers are playing a vital role in contributing to the economy of the country and they might get demotivated or stepped back for bringing the dollars in the country at this early stage.

His posts continues with anticipating the hurdles which the E-Commerce industry might face if the taxes gets imposed, he added that “As I see in the recent news, the E-Commerce sector is about to face another hurdle with the government thinking of imposing taxes on the department.”

According to the sources, an internal committee has proposed the resolution of imposing as much as 17% advance tax on E-Commerce sales.

17% tax on the E-Commerce is undoubtedly a prominent proportion of any sales; however, if the authorities are still imposing the taxes than they must provide other benefits for the youth to contribute more for the E-Commerce industry of Pakistan with their determination and consistency of hard work.

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