Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Seraph Aviation Group Places two jets(A320-200s) with PIA

Seraph Aviation Group, A Dublin (Ireland) Based expert aviation asset management company, after the successful completion of an open tender procedure, announced on June 21, 2021, that it has been successfully positioned two A320-200’s with Pakistan International Airlines (PIA).

As per the sources, PIA initially tendered for eight narrow-body jets and received nearly 130 bids. And after a comprehensive procedure encompassing technical and financial requirements, Seraph Aviation Group was successful, with the shipments expected in July and August.

“We are delighted to have secured a contract for two A320-200s with Pakistan International Airlines. We look forward to delivering both aircraft in the coming months and to beginning a long and positive relationship with Pakistan International Airways,” said David Butler, the CEO of Seraph Aviation Group.

Air Marshal Arshad Malik, CEP PIA, applauded Seraph Aviation Group for the award-winning well-contested tender and stated that he is looking forward to seeing the valuable long-term partnership between the two companies. 

He further said that PIA has a very aggressive expansion-based approach, in which the renovation and development of the armada are central, all along with strengthening on useful paths and expanding the alternative routes.

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