Saturday, July 27, 2024

Punjab govt announces Rs 1 million cash prize for Talha Talib and Arshad Nadeem

As a result of their recent stellar performances serving their country, Pakistan, the Punjab government has offered monetary prizes worth one million rupees each for javelin thrower Arshad Nadeem, weightlifter Talha Talib, and mountaineer Shehroz Kashif.

Arshad Nadeem is a Pakistani athlete who qualified for the finals of the Javelin Throw competition at the Tokyo Olympics, missing out on an Olympic medal. Still, the athlete from Mian Chunnu gained widespread recognition for his feat despite having few resources.

Similarly, Talha Talib, a 21-year-old weightlifter, is a Pakistani weightlifter who performed admirably during the Games. He competed in the 67kg category at the Tokyo Olympics and held the gold medal spot until the final round was bumped to fifth. He was greatly praised throughout the country for his efforts.

Shehroz Kashif, meantime, is the world’s youngest mountaineer climber to reach K2’s peak.

Punjab Sports Minister Rai Taimur Khan Bhatti told a press conference that Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar would present the cash prizes to all three athletes.

Rai Taimur Khan Bhatti said, “Arshad Nadeem is the first Pakistani track and field athlete to immediately qualify [for the Olympics].”

“Arshad Nadeem and Talha Talib both made Pakistan famous,” he continued.

He further stated that he would meet Arshad Nadeem at the airport.

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