Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Village In Punjab Has 100 Percent Literacy Rate

A village in Rajanpur district of Punjab has 100% literacy rate and zero crime rate.

The population of Rasulpur village established in 1933 is around 10 thousand, the children, the old, the young and the women here are educated, no one is illiterate in the village, there is a graduate or MA person sitting in every shop, most people are doctors, Holding other high positions including PhD, pilot, engineer and teacher.

The people of the village also do farming, be it development work or other issues, these people solve it together, till date no FIR has been registered against any person in this village.

People have made the village a model under your help, cleanliness of the village is taken special care, there is no paan, cigarette shop in the village.

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