Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Why Do Most People Have Mouth Ulcers?

Mouth ulcers afflict 10–25% of the world’s population. The medical term for this problem is canker sore, which is quite painful but usually not a cause for concern.

In most cases, mouth blisters do not require medical attention and clear up within 2 weeks.

What are canker sores?

These blisters are basically sores or ulcers inside the mouth.

It can occur at any age, but it is more common in young people and women.

Although most people experience this problem occasionally, 20 to 30 percent of patients experience it repeatedly. These blisters are of 2 types.

One type can affect a person 3 to 4 times a year and the blisters heal within a week.

Other types of blisters are larger and painful and can last up to a month.


Scientists have not yet been able to give a solid explanation as to why mouth blisters form, but certain factors may play a role.

Many times they are the result of other medical problems such as a weakened immune system or allergies.

Apart from this, changes in hormones, exposure to any part of the mouth, sensitivity to certain foods such as sour fruits, lack of nutrients such as iron, folic acid, zinc or vitamin B12 and stress can also cause mouth ulcers. cause

Some experts believe that these blisters are the result of autoimmune activity and occur when the body attacks itself while fighting a virus.

Home remedies

Getting rid of these blisters is not very difficult and a few methods can be helpful in this regard.

Applying ice to the blisters reduces the pain and helps them heal.

In this way, if one teaspoon of baking soda is added to half a cup of warm water and the affected area is cleaned, the pain will be reduced and the blisters will heal quickly.

Honey is also considered effective for treating mouth ulcers.

When should you consult a doctor?

Oral blisters usually heal within a few days without any treatment, however, if they are large or recurring, a doctor may be consulted.

Likewise, if they do not improve in more than 2 weeks or the pain increases or other symptoms such as fever, headache or cholera are encountered, a doctor should be consulted.

But it should be clear that there is no cure for mouth ulcers yet, but some medicines are considered effective in this regard.

Note: This material relies on medical journal data; readers should see their doctor.

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