Thursday, March 13, 2025

10 Dajjal Facts that Everyone Should Know

The Islamic scripture describes Dajjal and some facts about him, such as how he will look and how 70,000 Jews will follow him, but he will not be able to enter Madina. All 124,000 of Allah’s prophets warned their people about the Fitnah of Dajjal (Antichrist). 3337 Sahih al-Bukhari. In Arabic, the name Dajjal means “deception.” The Holy Bible refers to it as Antichrist.

How does Dajjal appear? Muslims are well aware of Dajjal’s description, which includes the fact that he will be blind in one eye. In the presence of the people, Prophet Muhammad mentioned Dajjal and said, “Allah is not one-eyed, and behold, he is blind of the right eye, and his eye would be like a floating grape.” – 169 e Sahih Muslim

Hair Another hadith about Dajjal’s appearance states that he will have an abundance of hair. – Sunan Ibn Majah 4071, Sahih al-Bukhari 3439, 3440

Forehead Another fact about Dajjal that Prophet Muhammad stated was that there would be three letters k. f. r., i. e. Kafir, written between Dajjal’s eyes. 2933 b Sahih Muslim Another Hadith says that even illiterate people will be able to read the word Kafir on his forehead – Sahih Muslim 2934 b

Dajjal will emerge from Khorasan Prophet Muhammad: ‘He will emerge in a land in the east called Khorasan, and will be followed by people with faces like hammered shields.'” 4072 Sunan Ibn Majah

Entry to Makkah and Madina is prohibited Dajjal is not permitted to enter Makkah or Madina, according to Hadith. He will attempt to enter but will be forced to remain outside of Madina in the salty barren areas. “He will come to Madina and find the angels guarding it,” Prophet Muhammad predicted. As a result, Allah willing, neither Dajjal nor plague will be able to approach it.” 7134 Sahih al-Bukhari Another Hadith states that the Madina will have seven gates at that time, with two angels guarding each one. 7125 Sahih al-Bukhari Another Hadith states that he will be unable to enter Makkah and Madina. 2943 a, Sahih Muslim

The ability to bring the dead back to life Another fact about Dajjal revealed by Prophet Muhammad is that he will have the ability to kill someone and bring them back to life. “On that day, the best man or one of the best men will come up to him and say, ‘I testify that you are the same Dajjal whose description was given to us by Allah’s Messenger, said Prophet Muhammad. ‘Will you doubt my claim if I kill this man and bring him back to life?’ he will ask the people. They will tell you, ‘No.’ Then Dajjal will kill that man and resurrect him. That man will say, ‘Now I know your reality better than I did before.’ ‘I want to kill him, but I can’t,’ Ad-Dajjal will say. 1882, Sahih al-Bukhari

Dajjal will be the greatest Fitnah Prophet Muhammad used to seek refuge from Dajjal’s trial. According to Prophet Muhammad, anyone who memorizes the first ten verses of Surah Al Kahf will be protected from Dajjal. – 809 a Sahih Muslim

70,000 Jews are expected to follow him. Dajjal would be followed by seventy thousand Jews of Isfahan wearing Persian shawls, according to Prophet Muhammad. – Sahih Muslim 2944

Fire and Water Another fact stated in a Hadith is that Dajjal will appear with water and fire. What appears to be water is actually fire. Similarly, what appears to be fire is actually cold water. – Sahih al-Bukhari 7130. ‘I know what Dajjal will have with him,’ said Prophet Muhammad. He will have two flowing rivers, one that appears to be clear water and the other that appears to be flaming fire. If anyone sees that, he should go to the river he thinks is fire and close his eyes, then lower his head and drink from it, because it is cool water. 2934 b Sahih Muslim

At that point, there would be very few Arabs left According to Prophet Muhammad, the people would flee Dajjal and seek refuge in the mountains. She asked, “Where would the Arabs be on that day?” He predicted that they would be few in number. – Muslim Sahih 2945 a

Prophet Isa will assassinate him “The Prophet Muhammad said, ‘Eisa bin Maryam will kill Dajjal at the gate of Ludd.'” 2244 Jami’ at-Tirmidhi.

Mehjabeen Qasim
Mehjabeen Qasim
Business Journalist at Startup Pakistan

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