Wednesday, December 4, 2024

BRT Peshawar to add 80 Buses and Increase Routes for Citizens.

The Peshawar Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) will purchase 86 modern New buses from China for you to operationalize greater feeder routes to better serve the population of the provincial capital.

According to the BRT spokesman, due to the growing popularity and application of the BRT, the quantity of buses and feeder routes of the BRT may be extended in order that the whole population of the Peshawar location can benefit from this contemporary transportation infrastructure.

To serve additional people of the provincial capital, the Peshawar Development Authority’s Urban Development Board has already authorized the extension of the Bus Rapid Transit feeder routes to Warsak Road, Regi Lalma Township, and the Defense Housing Authority scheme.

He stated that once the 86 buses arrive, a total of 244 buses could be delivered to the fleet of BRT buses, and that extra feeder routes would be hooked up shortly after the advent of such buses.

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