Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Do You Experience Leg Pain At Night?

Have you ever heard the name Charlie Horse? You may not have heard of it, but it’s possible that you’ve experienced a sudden, severe pain in the calf or leg, in which the muscles become painfully stiff.

This excruciating pain is called a charley horse in medical language, which lasts from a few seconds to a few minutes, but the muscles of the affected area remain in pain for several hours.

Well, it can be encountered in any part of the body, but mostly the legs and feet are affected. It is basically a muscle spasm problem which is painful but not dangerous. It usually complains at night or when sitting still for a long time.

But why does it hurt?

There is no clear reason for this, but a few factors increase its likelihood.

Circulation problems, putting too much stress on muscles, being physically active in extreme heat, dehydration, lack of magnesium or potassium in the diet, spinal cord injury and kidney disease are some of the notable factors.

As noted above, it is more likely to be experienced during sleep at night, but the reason for this is not clear.

According to experts, the strange position of sleeping makes it prone to charley horse, but it is difficult to say for sure.

Which people are at higher risk?

Athletes, children, the elderly, obese people, smokers and those taking certain medications are at higher risk of developing this problem. But the good thing is that you can easily reduce or prevent this pain.


Charley horses are usually caused by overuse of the muscles, so stretching the affected area is the best way to relieve the pain.

Take a deep breath while remaining calm and then gently move the leg to the other position. If the calf is hurting, sit on the floor and spread the legs forward and slowly bend the feet down.


Stretching is the best way to relieve pain quickly, but massage or massage can help reduce post-traumatic swelling, so any type of massage can be helpful.

Get help with water

If the charley horse is caused by dehydration or dehydration, drinking some water can also help.

If this pain is experienced after a lot of exercise or physical activity, it may be that the body has lost some minerals, then the consumption of coconut water can reduce the pain.

Ice and hot pads

A hot pad or ice will not immediately relieve the pain, but the muscles will definitely feel better after the pain subsides.

If the effect of heat is high, using a heating pad will feel good, while if the effect of ice is audible, use it only if you feel a lot of pain and pressure.


Even taking a bath does not relieve the pain immediately, but taking a bath with warm water reduces the swelling of the muscles. If Epsom salt is available, add it to the bath water as it soothes the muscles.

Focus on physical flexibility

Muscle inflexibility is also a major cause of charley horses, so regular stretching can help prevent future pain, as can changing sleeping positions. If you sleep on your back, place a pillow under your feet.

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