Monday, February 17, 2025

How to Apply online for a New Electricity Connection in Lahore

Human being introduced different amazing innovations, and one of them is electricity. There was a time when men lived without electricity for centuries and now there is no such thing as life without electricity.

Human being innovated different technologies and most of them depend on electric power. So, it becomes an essential part of our life and to use different appliances; we need electricity.

It provides us comfort in our life. The electricity has many uses in our daily life we can use it in our home for different purposes like for lighting rooms, for washing machines, air conditioning, refrigerators, TV, laptops are all need electricity for working. Mobile phones have become an essential part of our life and for charging phones we need power. Not only that, but there are a lot of devices that we used in our homes that need electricity.

Electricity is not only the requirement of a home, but it has also a great impact on industries, where large machines require electricity to perform their operation, and all the food, clothes, and different other large and small working devices in homes are made possible by electricity.

Modern equipment like robots and computer machines are devices which make our life easy, but they need electricity. In the field of medicine, it also has a lot of importance, the various kinds of electrical appliances are used for tests of patients. Its uses and importance are increasing day by day in every sector of life and we cannot imagine a life without electricity as most of the devices depend on it. Wind, hydroelectric and solar are some sources through which electricity produces.

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Some big cities of Pakistan, like Lahore, Islamabad, Multan, Gujranwala, Sukkur, Quetta, and Hyderabad, are provided electricity by different branches of a government-owned distribution company (DISCO). Pakistan Electric Power Company (PEPCO) handles the function of DISCO. These DISCO companies deal with PEPCO and Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) for electricity and then provide the electricity to their respective areas.

As we discussed earlier that electricity becomes the necessity of our life. However, in order to utilize electricity, a person must first apply for an electrical connection, as electricity cannot be used without it. For this purpose, you need to go to your area’s respective power supply office and applied for connection as all work were manual, but now the power supply companies introduce an online system to apply for electricity connection. There are several companies for electricity connections in the different cities of Pakistan.

K-Electric is a private company that supplies the electricity in Karachi while the government-owned electricity companies are: Lahore Electric Supply Company (LESCO), Islamabad Electric Supply Company (IESCO), Gujranwala Electric Supply Company (GEPCO), Faisalabad Electric Supply Company (FESCO), Multan Electric Supply Company (MEPCO), Peshawar Electric Supply Company (PESCO) Hyderabad Electric Supply Company (HESCO), Sukkur Electric Supply Company (SEPCO), Quetta Electric Supply Company (QESCO), Tribal Electric Supply Company (TESCO).

Our article is about the LESCO new connection in Lahore because in this city LESCO handles the electricity connection and other related jobs. If you’re building a new house, a shop, or a market, or if you’re running a commercial enterprise, you’ll need electricity. We cannot deny its importance anywhere. So, today we will discuss the LESCO new connection process of electricity in Lahore.

You no longer need to go to the WAPDA office to learn about the application process or get an application form in this modern age. All citizens can use the online platform to apply for a new power connection. Like other DISCO companies working in different cities, LESCO has also provided online application facilities for its users. Being a Lahore citizen, you can apply for an electricity connection through LESCO, but for that, you must follow some steps and the process that will be given in the form.

Apply for LESCO New Connection


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LESCO’s new connection is not free, a specific amount of fee is required for it. You can contact the LESCO helpline or visit their office for getting an idea about the LESCO new connection fee. The estimated LESCO new connection fee is around 7,000. You can submit the physical form, but the online system is introduced, so it is more convenient and time saving to apply through the online portal. The process is following:


For online form submission, go to the ENC (electricity new connection) website at Click the “apply new connection tab”.


  • You will get an application form, which you must carefully complete, the mandatory fields are highlighted in red, indicating that they must be completed. The applicant needs to upload scanned copies of the document on the online portal.
  • First, select your connection types, the types of connections in the online form are: Domestic, Commercial, Agriculture, Tube well, Industrial, Residential colonies, Corporate company, Street light, General Services, and temporary.
  • Then enter NTN number (National Tax Number).
  • After that, input the STRN number (Sales Tax Registration number)
  • Select your own district electricity supply company, e.g. for Lahore, it is LESCO.
  • write your sub-division name in the next text box.

After completing this information, the next step is to enter the applicant’s information.

  • Select your status, whether you are owner or rental.
  • Applicant’s Name
  • CNIC Number
  • Current address (Your address would be that one where you want to apply for a new meter or connection)
  • Phone Number (two numbers need to enter)

The next is to provide contact person information. It gives an option to keep the information for this section as above or to enter the information of a new person. The information for the contact person is:

  • Name of Contact Person
  • Phone number
  • Current address
  • Relationship with the Applicant
  • Email (it is optional)
  • The next step is to fill in the details about Premises Detail having fields to fill in:
  • The number of meters that have already been deployed.
  • Load Minimum (In kWh)
  • Enter the address of the premises (where the electricity meter will be installed)
  • Enter the neighbor’s reference number

In the following below section, you need to fill in the information about your neighbors

  • Enter the address of the Neighbor & their name.
  • Enter the name of the meter installation company.


Once you have filled in the above information, now at the 3rd step you have to upload some require scanned documents, but there is a restriction that it must be in JPG/PDF and its sizes should not exceed then 300KB. The required documents are:

  • Copies of property documents: You must present proof of ownership of your property, which can be a registry or any other kind of verification. Documents can be authenticated by one class government officer.
  • The other part is the undertaking of the applicant that there is no electricity already installed, or that there are no past-due fees to be paid. If there are any, the applicant pays those dues.
  • If the property is a Joint Venture, which means it is owned by many individuals, then the POA will be owned by the person who is applying for it from the owners.
  • No objection certificate is required from the owner/s of the property in case if the application is a renter.
  • Attested copy of the applicant CNIC.
  • Two witnesses attested CNIC copies (No witness requires if the applicant is applying for a single-phase meter)
  • Copy of a neighbor’s electric bill
  • At the last, read the terms and conditions and check it


Once you fill the online application form, check that all the upload and filled information is correct. Once you confirm that everything is correct, then submit the application.


When your application is successfully submitted then take a printout of your application. Attached all the above-listed documents with the printed form. The form of documents then submitted to the nearby office of LESCO.


The LESCO will verify your documents and issue a demand notice once they have been verified. However, in case if the documents are incomplete or faked, then the application for electricity connection will be rejected and the organization may take legal action against you.


The next step is to pay the LESCO demand notice. The amount will be deposited in the mentioned bank. And send the paid copy of the demand notice to the concerned office for further future process. If you want to check the LESCO new connection status, then you can contact the officers in the LESCO office.


Your job has finished at the last phase the demand notices payment by the concerned office will be verified and once it is verified, then the LESCO new connection will be installed for you at your place that may be a house, apartment, shop, etc. One thing that should keep in mind, fill in complete and accurate idocuments,nformation in the form, because incomplete documents are not accepted by LESCO. While, in case of fake documents, the high authorities take legal action against an applicant. It takes approximately two months to receive a new connection bill.

Before the innovation of electricity, human beings were relying on fires, but now electricity plays a huge part in our everyday lives. We use electricity for a variety of functions from morning to night, therefore we may conclude that people are reliant on it.

The citizen of Lahore, for a new and legal connection of electricity, you will contact LESCO. How you can apply for a new connection, LESCO new connection fee, LESCO new connection status are all discussed in the article.

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