Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Modi exposed the real face of so-called Indian democracy during his visit to America.

Modi’s recent visit to the US has opened the door to India’s so-called democracy. American senators, congressional leaders, human rights, religious, and press freedom organizations have reacted strongly to it.

In this regard, more than 75 American senators and members of Congress wrote a letter to President Biden yesterday, in which the senators and members said that there is a serious violation of human rights in India and that the situation there is alarming.

Congress members Rashida Talib and Ilhan Umar termed Modi’s address to Congress as shameful, while both of them announced a boycott of Modi’s address.

According to CPJ President, Journalism and Journalists in India have faced serious threats since Modi came to power, Judy Ginsburg said that critical journalists are illegally detained, houses demolished, and deported.

On June 19, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch also aired a BBC documentary on Modi. The Director of Human Rights Watch Asia has called on President Biden to address human rights abuses.

It should be noted that the Indian American Muslim Council and other organizations have announced a protest during Modi’s visit. In March 2023, the US State Department also expressed concern over the serious human rights situation.

Last year, BBC India offices were raided for 4 days for airing a documentary against Modi. In 2020 too, Amnesty International stopped working in India due to severe government pressure. According to the World Press Freedom Index, India has moved from 140 to 161.

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