Friday, March 7, 2025

Oxford University announces fellowships and scholarships for Pakistanis

Under the Oxford Pakistan Program, Pakistani students and faculty members will be eligible to apply for graduate scholarships and visiting fellowships at Oxford University (OPP).

The program, which has received staunch supportĀ from Oxford University, the Pakistan High Commission in London, and the British High Commission in Islamabad, was inaugurated during a high-profile event at Pakistan’s embassy in London.Besides this, the Programme has raised pledges of over Ā£500,000 from Pakistani businessmen and key members of the Pakistani diaspora in the UK.

The Oxford Pakistan Programme (OPP) seeks to promote a variety of Pakistan-related activities at the University of Oxford. Graduate scholarships will be available for meritorious students, as well as visiting fellowships for Pakistani faculty members and special lectures on Pakistan.

It is the brainchild of University of Oxford Professor Adeel Malik, Dr Talha J. Pirzada, Lecturer in Aerospace Materials, and Haroon Zaman, Trainee Lawyer at Travers Smith in London. Oxford alumni Minahil Saqib and Dr. Mohsin Javed assisted them in this endeavour.

Senior University officials emphasised the historic link between Pakistan and Oxford, praising the accomplishments of various Pakistani leaders who attended Oxford, including Liaquat Ali Khan, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, Benazir Bhutto, and Pakistan’s current Prime Minister, Imran Khan.

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