Thursday, March 13, 2025 Becomes First Pakistani BlockChain Cloud HRMS To Execute Corporate Payroll in 15 Seconds

Attention all busy HR !!! The biggest challenge for businesses in Pakistan is the execution of error-free & transparent payroll processing. HR in Pakistan spend more than 75% of their time in either making spreadsheet for payroll processing or working with Payroll service providers to get their payroll executed. solved this puzzle and enabled HR digital transformation on the cloud. PayPeople says its Free sign up is available at

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As per Stats, 1,800+ businesses in Pakistan run their corporate payroll on the PayPeople. Powered with BlockChain, Employee self-service, and innovative AI-based attendance, The average payroll execution time using PayPeople is no more than 15 seconds which is one of the fastest Cloud payroll software in Pakistan. PayPeople team says that having such an efficient Cloud payroll platform means HR managers can spend more time in your organizational development rather than spending their premium hours on manual payroll calculations.

PayPeople is fully Labor law & Taxation compliant cloud-enabled Pakistani #Payroll #software that automated the whole life cycle of the HR department from employee onboarding to payroll processing.

PayPeople was born out of frustration from using HR software that sucks. HR managers were constantly disappointed with the antiquated clunky interfaces that were being slapped on the HR and the employee community. PayPeople resorted to change the world for HR and if its customer feedback is any indicator, PayPeople seems to have done its job quite well. It’s understanding of the problems in managing and nurturing talent, backed with its technical expertise makes it the best available Cloud Payroll software in Pakistan!

PayPeople helps companies to make payroll processing painless. PayPeople a simple product that handles complexity with ease. It also integrates seamlessly with ZKTeco and other biometric devices, thus making both payroll and Employee management a breeze.

PayPeople BlockChain technology process continues throughout employment (for example, if the role changes, further qualifications are obtained or different management is assigned during a handover) until eventually, the employee exits the company. But the use of the PayPeople blockchain will be more than just a concept HR professionals need to be aware of for partnership purposes. Because the HR department is the keeper of so much of the data that is critical to employees’ lives and how a company operates, blockchain technology will be integrated directly into the HR function through a multitude of use cases—lending transparency and trust.

PayPeople team always incorporates any compliance changes on time and the one-click report and analytics dashboards help Companies to meet their deadlines. It’s also quite comfortable for the company’s employees to access without any major training when it comes to submitting requests for Leaves, Loans & Expenses. Companies can now focus on business growth.

PayPeople HR & Payroll has numerous outstanding features and a pronounced interface. The automated tax collection according to Pakistan Rules and compliance features help companies to collect tax effortlessly and can fetch Income Tax reports with a single click.

PayPeople Payroll was a natural fit. With useful integrations and a swift support team, it enables Pakistani companies to resolve their biggest payroll issues on a single platform. It is very comprehensive and easy to use. PayPeople HR & Payroll software helping companies to cut down their costs by 70% and TAX’s making pay run completion is one of the greatest modules.

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