Saturday, July 27, 2024

Punjab Aims to Generates 5000MW Power by 2024

In an attempt to minimize reliance on the national grid, Punjab aims to produce more than 5,000 MW of electricity by 2024 under short, medium and long-term strategies, including 300 MW through the launch of several small hydropower projects. As per sources, the province has also floated tenders to start construction of 12 mini hydropower projects before June this year.

According to a recent report shared with the government, Punjab is seeking the supply of electricity to many off-grid villages, the establishment of generation facilities near load centers/clusters, oil & gas exploration, the addition of 300 MW of solar energy at the 600 MW Quaid-e-Azam Solar Park, development of the 1,000 MW wind corridor at Rajanpur, promotion of household rooftop solar energy, solarization of public institutions, retrofitting of public institutions and building codes for energy efficiency.

The Province wants to use the potential of hydropower on Punjab canals and dams, promote waste-to-energy projects in urban areas, solar/biogas/wind hybrid solutions for rural electrification, biomass-based power plants in agricultural centers, and enable the private sector to invest in the power sector.

The report also states that the Department of Energy of Punjab is working on three separate action plans, ranging from short-term (0-2 years), medium-term (2-5 years) and long-term (5-10 years) in order to meet its goals within different timelines by 2024.

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