Friday, January 31, 2025

Islam to Become the World’s Most Followed Religion in 2070

According to recent research, they found Islam is rapidly growing so fast that it will be the most popular, famous, and followed religion by 2070.

Islam is projected to grow more than twice as fast as any other major religion over the next half-century, the research reports revealed.

As per the report of a US research center, Islam is going to overcome Christianity by becoming the world’s most-followed and popular religion. They Examine the demographic changes in the world’s major religions and found the Muslim population to increase by 73 percent between 2010 and 2050, with Christians being the second-largest religious population at 35 percent while the world’s population to increase by 37 percent during the same time. 

Fertility is one of the major causes behind this change, as the highest reproduction rate of 3.1 children per Muslim lady is reported. While another big reason is the turning away of people from Christianity and around 40 million Christians would convert while another 106 million become non-religious. The research report further reveals.

The survey also adds that Europe’s population will have 10 percent Muslims by 2070.

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