Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Sun will Rise Above Baitullah Sharif Tomorrow

The sun will pass over Baitullah Sharif tomorrow to determine the correct direction of Qiblah.

According to Saudi astronomers, the sun will cast a shadow over the Kaaba for the second time in a year tomorrow. The sun will be directly above the house of Kaaba for the next three days, during which the Qibla direction can be determined.

According to the Saudi Daily, the sun will rise directly above the Kaaba tomorrow at 12:26 p.m. At that time, the shadows of the whole world will turn towards Bait Allah, while Bait Allah will not have a cloud.

Saudi astronomers say it will be a fascinating astronomical scene when the house of Allah and the sun on the Earth will appear in the same lineup and down. It is worth noting that the sun will shine straight over the Kaaba for the second time this year.

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